Mysterious Magic

Viserra and Radyn went to the slave camp together with Lyco. It was the only place that could be considered safe. There were a lot of Eros' subordinates there that Namara could trust.

After the two of them left, Namara finally breathed a sigh of relief. The promise she once said had finally been fulfilled. Now she just had to think about what her next move would be.

"Take your magic book," said Eros suddenly.

Namara's eyes immediately lit up. "Are you going to start teaching me?" asked Namara enthusiastically.

"Mm." Eros nodded.

"Wait a moment!" Namara immediately ran out of the Miru Twins palace. She suddenly became very excited. If it was someone else, they would definitely feel the same way.

In just a short time, Namara had returned with her borrowed magic book. She directly faced Eros and handed her the book. "Take a look," she said.