Finn's Letters

Namara took a deep breath. "Then what's next?"

"So, in the evening I served drinks to the husband and wife. And ... you can guess what happened next," said Hige.

Hestia frowned. "They passed out and then Castor came to kill them?"

Hige nodded. That night he saw with his own eyes how gruesome Castor's actions were. Using a dagger from the Black Wings clan, the man stabbed Finn and Vinia with ease.

How unfair their death was. Finn and Vinia didn't even understand that it was going to be their last night. In a stupor, Castor kills them. They didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Namara closed her eyes with a ragged breath. Her hands clenched. If she can't kill Castor and mince his flesh then she's not a descendant of Finn!

"What about Nores? What got that guy involved?" asked Hestia.

Hige looked down. "He? Of course he silenced those who suspected Castor."

"So, Castor was also under suspicion at that time?" asked Hestia.