Vires and Lavena's Death

Fire and crowds are everywhere. Tonight should be very hot. However, Castor didn't feel that way. There was only confusion in his heart.

He looked at everyone flatly and coldly. He gripped his dagger tightly. His appearance instantly made the commotion a bit more subdued.

"Don't you guys want to get rid of Vires and Lavena?" Castor asked in a deep voice.

"Right! If you don't, then we'll make more mess here!"

"We won't even hesitate if we have to demote you!"

Castor nodded in understanding. His face was still expressionless. "Fine. If that's what you guys want… I'll do it."

The people immediately put on a surprised face. Even so, their faces immediately turned into smiles. This is good news for them.

Castor's figure walked away towards Nimitta's palace followed by the palace elders. Behind him was Lius, the one who had helped Castor so well.