Mysterious Painting

Namara studied the closet door seriously. There is a cloud-shaped carving that looks very detailed. Apart from that there is nothing else.

Then how to open that magic array?

Namara stroked her chin a few times. Her brow furrowed deeply for a moment. Could it be that she had to use a magic spell?

She looked around in various directions. She tried to find a clue. However, there was nothing she could find. dead end!

After a while, Namara became annoyed. She punched the closet door hard. However, the fist did nothing at all. It was like she had just punched an iron wall. She only got pain.

Namara's face turned flat. Of course this is a difficult thing. Otherwise, Castor would have been able to unlock it.

"Dad, you should give me special privileges right? I'm your daughter," Namara grumbled.

She pursed het lips. Somehow she felt there was something important in there. Something that should not be completely ignored.