Castor's Army at the Edge of the Forest

Namara moved quickly towards her original room which was in the main palace. She took all the things stored in the cupboard. After making sure nothing was left behind, she immediately left the palace.

The place is no longer safe. If she didn't leave soon then she would most likely be caught.

Meanwhile, Lius moved towards the servants' quarters. He just got a report saying that two guards heard whispers in Hestia's room. This time it was Nefrita. It's not impossible, right?

He arrived at his destination in no time. Some of the people who were guarding there immediately greeted him. "Mister Lius..."

"Where is Nefrita? Is she in her room?" asked Lius without further ado.

"Sir, we didn't see anyone wandering around," one of the guards replied.

Lius snorted. "Just because there's no one hanging around doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Quickly check inside!"

"Yes, Sir."