Full of Fatigue

Namara stared at the leaves with a sharp focused gaze. Her lips began to move in chanting with her body moving to and fro. Her hand drew a bow and arrows were created.

While continuing to dodge, she started shooting her arrows. It takes a focused gaze and an estimate of the right direction of leaf movement so that Namara can aim at the target.

So so be it.

Namara is going through a tough time. If she was too focused on shooting, some of the leaves would escape her sight and move to injure her body.

Bad things would happen if she was too focused on dodging. The leaves would never run out because she didn't drop them to the ground.

That way Namara must be able to balance the two. She must be able to dodge and attack at the same time. This is not an easy thing for a beginner like Namara.

Even so, she would not give up on this. She could definitely take on the challenge from Eros.