Eros's Naughty Hand

Cera was looking forward to meeting Namara. She wanted to know a few things from the woman. So, when the big party was taking place she took the opportunity to meet Namara.

The woman of perfect appearance seemed to be talking to the man she knew was Eros. Without hesitation she immediately approached them.

"Miss Namara...."

Namara immediately turned around. She frowned when she saw the woman standing in front of her. "Did you just call me?" she asked doubtfully.

Cera nodded. "May I ask you a few questions?" she asked.

Namara nodded slightly hesitantly. She didn't know the woman. So she was surprised. "If I may ask, who are you?"

"My name is Cera. I am one of the doctors of the Thousand Stars clan."

Namara who heard this was immediately shocked. "So it was you? The one who wanted to meet me at that time?"

Cera smiled and nodded. "Then have a seat. What do you want to ask?" asked Namara.