Dangerous Giant Statue

"Shhh! Hurry up and hide!" Gallos immediately pulled Namara and Lyco towards the boulder across the road. They hid there, peeking at who was coming.

Moments later Namara widened her eyes when she saw a gigantic creature walking past on the rocky path in front of them. That creature is....

"Lamtoproc, it's a Lamtoproc," Gallos whispered as he watched the large creature pass by.

Namara's eyes flashed. Finally, she saw the creature too. She never imagined that the sound of so many footsteps was Lamtoproc's many footsteps.

Yes, just imagine. The lamtoproc is a giant centipede. Its legs were numerous and when it stepped, its voice would cause a commotion all around.

Namara's pupils shrank. Are there so many of these creatures? It's really scary. She thought the giant centipede wouldn't be this big. However, it turned out....