Old Bodyguard

Then Akihira and Ichitsu see a mysterious man, come from atop the beast holding two swords. The same place where the giant sword had pierced it.

"Who in the world are you?!" Both Akihira and Ichitsu ask.

"None of your business." The Stranger says to them angrily.

Akihira and Ichitsu then try to stand up but fail then the stranger reaches his hand out to help them stand.

"Take my hand." the man says.

"Thanks." Ichitsu Says.

"But we're in no condition to get back to the camp." Ichitsu thinks.

"MAN, YOUR POWER IS AMAZING! SO COOL!" Akihira says in amazement.

Akihira seemed to remind the stranger of someone from his past.

The stranger then has a flashback.

"WOOOW! THAT WAS AMAZING!" A mysterious man said with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Something wrong?" Ichitsu asks.

"Huh, no. It's nothing." the stranger says.

"Why does this kid have such a familiar personality to HIM?"

"Alright-" The stranger says.

"What?" Ichitsu asks.

"I'll help you get back to where ever you live." The stranger says.

"But we don't really live anywhere." Akihira says with a dumb face.

Ichitsu then smacks Akihira on the head with an angry expression.

"We literally do, you damn idiot." Ichitsu says angrily.

"OW! OW! OW! That hurt!" Akihira fumbles in the background while Icihtsu and the stranger talk.

"Anyway, there's a campsite nearby set up by the town's people of Farvein, It'll be great if you can help us get there." Ichitsu says.

"Why? Did something happen to Farvein?" The Stranger asks.

"Yeah, It was burned down." Ichitsu says sadly while looking down and clenching his fists.

"BURNED DOWN?! BY WHO?!" The Stranger suddenly asks.

"Some demon things just attacked the town out of nowhere." Akihira suddenly says.

"They were being led by a guy who had a dark green aura." Ichitsu says.

"One of the Thorn's of hell" The stranger says in an angry tone.

"DAMMIT!!! I never should've believed that monstrous king." the stranger thinks to himself.

"It was horrible, the town was attacked, and people were being mercilessly slaughtered. We tried to help as many as we could and we also lost someone close to us, If only we were stronger we could've prevented this disaster." Akihira says in a sad tone.

"You did all you could and I'm very thankful, I will carry you to the campsite" The stranger says.

The Stranger then picks up Akihira and they start moving towards the campsite.

"So, who are you anyways? And why did you agree to carry us back?"

"My name is Ishihaya Tsuraseki and I agreed to carry you back because that was my destination as well." replies Ishihaya.

"Why were you going to Farvein?" asks Ichitsu.

"Cause that's where I live" replies Ishihaya.

"Wait you live there?!" Ichitsu and Akihira both ask in a shocked tone.

"Yeah, I was actually heading back from a long journey from another continent. Haven't seen the town or it's people in a year or so.

"Must've been one heck of a journey. What's it called?" Ichitsu asks.

"Sure was." Ishihaya laughs off Ichitsu's question.

"Looks like we're almost here" Ishihaya says.

Ishihaya, akihira and Ichitsu approach the camp and as they arrive, Sugita rushes towards them, Ishihaya put's down Akihira.

"Ishihaya, your back home!" Sugita runs towards him and hugs him.

"Yes Sugita, I'm back." Ishihaya replies.

The town's people welcome Ishihaya home and carry akihira and ichitsu into shelter. Sugita follows and starts to heal them again.

"Thanks Sugita!" Akihira says while groaning in pain.

"Don't do something so reckless ever again!" Sugita scolds them.

"Come on, you know i wo-" Akihira stops talking as he sees the look of genuine concern on sugita's face.

"Okay fine, I won't do something as reckless as that ever again." Akihira says to sugita.

"Promise?" Sugita asks.

"Sigh, I promise." Akihira says.

Just as he says that, Ishihaya walks in the tent.

"So, how's their healing going?" he asks sugita.

"I'm all done." Sugita replies.

"Great, can I uh..talk to you for a bit?" Ishihaya asks.

"Um...sure" Sugita replies.

"I heard what happened to the village from those two, tragic. You know where Kus-?" Ishihya gets cut off my sugita.

"He's dead, they killed Father." Sugita says as she starts crying.

"Wh...WHAT!!????" Ishihaya says in a shocked tone.

"BU-BUT HOW, WHO KILLED HIM?!" Ishihaya asks in a angry tone.

Before Sugita could say anything.

"Rolgith...THAT BASTARD!" Ishihaya says angrily.

"I guess this was the first step of their plan to wipe out most of the population. DAMMIT! I DIDN'T THINK THEY'D START SO SOON! I'LL MAKE THAT BASTARD PAY! I'M GOING TO THE CENTRAL PLATEAU. " Ishihaya says to Sugita.

Just as Ishihaya says that Akihira and Ichitsu come out of the tent and seemed to have overheard their conversation.

"Wipe out most of the population?! Akihira and Ichitsu say in shock.

"What's the central plateau?" Akihira asks.

"I think it's more commonly known as the 'Shadow King's Plateau' these days." Ichitsu replies.

"The Demon King huh, I see. But why would the guy who attacked the town have anything to do with the demon king?" Akihira asks Ishihaya.

Ishihaya gives no reply, and that's when Ichitsu realizes.

"He works for him..." Ichitsu slightly mummers.

"What?" Akihira asks.

"He works for him, doesn't he?" Ichitsu says louder.

Ishihaya doesn't say anything again but the look of surprise on his face confirms Ichitsu's suspicions.

"I'm right." Ichitsu says.

"WAIT, so you mean to tell me that that green bastard works for the Shadow King?!" Akihira says as he gets angry.

"If this is their first step then that means what happened to Farvein will happen to other towns all around Esharia." Akihira says.

"Yeah, they call it the 'Esharia Wipeout' Plan, it'll fully take place in 4 months." Ishihaya says.


"Yeah, me too!" Ichitsu says.

"I'm sorry but I can't, you both will only just get in my way." Ishihaya says.

"DAMMIT!!!!" Akihira says he punches the ground in frustration.

"If only we could do something to control our powers, it's so frustrating." Ichitsu thinks to himself.

Ishihaya sighs.

"I'll train you." Ishihya suddenly says.

"huh, REALLY?" Akihira and Ichitsu say happily.

"But how can you train us? Your powers are different from ours." Ichitsu asks.

"I have my ways, I'll give you both a week for your injuries to heal, Rest up, and then we'll begin our training." Ishihaya says.

After a few days, Akihira and Ichitsu approach Ishihaya.

"We're ready to train!" Akihira and Ichitsu both say.

"That can't be, it's only been 3 days. Impressive, you both might just have what it takes." Ishihaya says while amazed.

They all go to a big empty field nearby Farvein.