Groar Groar
Gave, along with the red demon gang, caught the eyes of the living corpses that were created by the monster and it began pursuing them.
the living corpses or the undead, moved like wild beast, even if their guts spilled all over, they still kept chasing the red demon gang. the undead chase tirelessly, in contrast the red demon gang's members were losing strength.
huff huff
the members who had weaker stamina among them started breathing heavily, while slowly falling behind.
"N-no no, s-stop, stay away, I said stay away you mother f*ckers!! GaAh stop, help, Waah!!"
a member of the red demon gang tripped and was caught by the undead, it only took a few seconds for the unfortunate one to be shredded in pieces.
after everyone heard the plea of one of their member, they looked back only to witnessed their comrade's gruesome death.
"N-no way"
"Is this really happening?!"
"f*ck f*ck f*ck"
everyone started to became more anxious, but Gave clenched his fist and wake everyone in their state of fear.
"wake up you pieces of sh*t, you think standing here sh*tless will keep you alive, run faster!"
a member spoke "b-but sir where to, I bet the whole city has evacuated by now."
Gave started running and shouted "we need to survive first before we find that out, now run, f*ck I said run d*mmit!"
Gave kept running to the direction Gian told him, while his gang followed, but when they were about to arrive at another intersection, suddenly another monster walked in from their left, it looked different, it was 8 feet tall and had a muscular humanoid form, it had no face, instead it had a giant eyeball on it's chest. Gave who was in the most front run passed it and as if time slowed down, Gave and the monster came in contact, the monster in that short span of time swung its right arm, that one swing swept five red demon gang members, including Gave.
Gave coughed blood, while his heavily injured body sunk at the side of the car he flew into, as his vision dimmed he spoke in a low voice.
"f*ck i-it h....urt..s"