
Edge lord

<3 pov>

A couple of weeks have passed since Sirius took his exam, his results came in today in an envelope.

Looking at his grade he got a C- 'at least it's a passing grade' he thought to himself

"Hey what grade did you get" exclaimed Amnestria

Peeping on his grade "haha you got a c- I could get a higher score without even trying" she mocked him

"Shut up" He yelled "I passed and that's final I bet you sucked the teachers off for a better grade"

"How dare you accuse me of such things" she started using fire magic and shot at him

"Ah okay stop using fire inside of the apartment dumbass" he pleaded "hmph fine but don't you dare say that again" She ordered "fine bitch" he grumbled while putting the fire out.

"Stop fighting like little kids, and Amnestria you could've burned the house down don't ever use magic in the apartment" Ava scolded the elf "yes ma'am" the elf complied.

"So you passed huh" Ava inquired "yeah I did" Sirius answered "then you'll need to buy your new uniform won't you," she asked "yeah"

Ava passed him some money "go buy your uniform,"

"Okay" looking over the envelope there was another piece of paper telling him to go to a store called Iry's clothing store to get his uniform made.


Sirius finally found the clothing store, so he went inside to get his uniform made

Inside Sirius could see people ages 7 through 26 waiting inside for their uniforms. Walking towards the counter, he sees a lady behind the counter walking over to her "hey I want to order a uniform" I asked.

She nodded and went into the backroom, after a bit, she came back with a ticket "wait till your number is called"

damn I have to wait "okay"

Sitting down I noticed that the edgy middle schooler was beside me. Edge lord started a conversation with me

"Does thou know who I am" he started "Uhm no was I suppose to"

"Thou is oblivious to not know that death is before thee"

"Can you speak normally?" I asked him "what does thou mean by can I speak normally?" he asked me "I mean why are you communicating with thou and thee in your sentences?" I inquired

"It is how I speak foolish mortal" he has no limit to his cringe. "Whatever" after sometime edge lords number was called. He got up from his seat

But he bumped into some dude making him drop some food on his suit, that dude started yelling at him


(kuragari- edge lord pov)

Crap I bumped into this dude, what do I do?

"Hey! do you know how much this suit cost" should I care "hmph I don't care for such petty things"

"What did you say" the man exclaimed "I shall not repeat myself"

"Fine let's take this outside in public"

"Fine but are you sure you want to get ridiculed," I asked while walking outside with a crowd following us

"Bastard" He started gathering fire into his palm then shot out his attack

"Such a weak move will never hurt me," I told the man "tsk cocky bastard aren't ya?" the fire hit me, but tis was a weak fire

"What! Who are you?" he asked me. he must be new because everyone knows me as death incarnate

"I am the one you fear, and I am the pain you feel, I am the desperation on your face. I am the hindrance you carry and future you brace. But I am the one who's hand you shall take, does that answer thy question?"

"No, it doesn't" the man is truly ignorant

"I pity you for your ignorance. I shall tell you my name...I am Death" I announced while unfurling my black wings, I can see people from last year shake in fear, I truly am the one you fear

"Hahaha what are you delusional" I truly admire this man's bravery to stand up to me.

Stretching out my hand I call forth my spell a wilted forest erupts from the ground, all the branches turn into blades, they started swinging at the man.

Trying to use more fire magic on my trees but failed in his endeavor

"Wait, wait I yield please forgive me" he begged

"Hmph I shall forgive you today but I shall collect your soul at a later date" walking back in to get my uniform

*sigh* I never get used to people. Grabbing my uniform I walked out of the establishment.

On my way home I noticed a red-haired girl that reached my chin in height, she wore some black shorts with a red hoodie on, she seemed lost

"Excuse me, miss are lost" she looked at me with recognition "well hello rival" she shouted

"Huh, who are you?" I questioned

"It's me, Gia how could you forget your rival" she shouted angrily "sorry thou art forgettable. Why did thee change thy hair from green to red?"

"Because red is cooler than green, anyway fight me as the strongest in the school I must challenge those close to my level," she explained

"Why would I fight one weaker than myself?"

"What! You're the weaker one" she exclaimed

"I was under the impression that I was the strongest"

"Only one way to find out," she said teleporting us to a random location


Transported into a large forest with trees a large as skyscrapers. Walking a few feet away from each other to Get ready for battle

Gia augmented herself with magic she charged in with a liver punch, blocking I punched her in the face knocking her backward. Getting up she teleported in front of me punching me in the face


Getting up I used strong winds and thunder attacked Gia, but she dodged then used magic to shoot out a stream of lightning

Dodging the onslaught of lightning I summon a war scythe. Charging in with my scythe I slashed at her but she dodged making me hit a tree

Gia chanted suddenly a volcano pops out and starts an explosion of magma

Using a distorted mouth consumes the whole volcano with its magma.

"As a reward for lasting this long, I'll use one of my new attacks"

Shooting my death magic into the sun I get ready to use the sun starts gathering my magic and then shoots it back as a ray of black flames

"W-hat the hell!!" Gia screamed as everything was burned


"I-'ll get y- you next time" she stammered

"Hmph you would have never won against me, death incarnate" doesn't matter I missed my attack on purpose

"Anyways let's go back" grabbing her hand I teleported back to the streets, then I healed her.

"Bye" I waved "bye" she waved back "next time I'll go easy on you" I teased "shut up I wasn't even trying" she lied


Finally home I went inside my room "hey why did you go easy on her" asked one of the Spirits "because I don't want to hurt a friend" I answered


(hello big schlong master anyways coming up with these cringe names for kuragari with his death magic he is basically overpowered he can kill anyone with death magic but he isn't at that level yet, and the Academy connects with kindergarten through college)

is a skill where trees erupt with sharp branches that are used as swords.

it's pretty self-explanatory

A mouth that bites down on anything the user wants it to (it appears like that mimic from konosuba)

Shoots down a ray of black flames