Chapter twenty eight: Together

Miles stood outside the school building. a few steps away from the stairs. he wore the dark blue suit, jay gave him before he left. he couldnt bring himself to face y/n after what he had done last time. but the thoughts of being alone brought him to that place.

despite the hesitation and distress, he walked into the hall. after a long time of lurking around, he caught sight of Jay standing in the corner. as usual, no expression and staring nowhere.

"where are the others?" he asked while approaching him. Jay looked surprised with his presence but he didnt want to make Miles regret his decision. "enjoying.

speak of the devil." miles followed his stare.

Henry was just walking toward them with a female student beside him. most likely to be his dancing partner. he bade farewell to her with a warm smile and they seperated.

"You finally came! I thought i wont be able to see you again!" Miles ignored henry with an eye roll.

With something just appearing in his mind, he quickly asked Jay, "where is she?"

Jay gave him the idk expression and they moved on into another topic.






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Isla looked irritated while calling someone in her phone. she repeated the same actions few times before giving up and taking a deep breath. Lucas noticed the case and worriedly asked her, "whom are you calling?"

Isla replied with a groan, "y/n! she's not picking up the phone!! gosh, im about to go crazy...where am i supposed to look for her in this crowd." Lucas's looked slightly relieved after hearing that the reason wasnt great as he thought.

"Im sure you'll find her. Should I drop you off after the party ends?" Isla gave it a long thought then replied, "No thanks, I'll just go with my friends." saying that, they exchanged few words and parted.

Isla soon caught up with the other  three. when she approached them, she met with Henry's angry state of mind. He was staring at Lucas and Isla since the beginning. it was most likely what got his mood ruined.

Henry couldnt help but feel a strong burn inside him. The whole time he played in the basketball team, he has always noticed how much of a playboy Lucas was. He could tell that their leader was never serious with any girl.

He was afraid that Lucas might do the same with Isla. He'll hurt her. "Not now Henry." he was brought back to reality with Jay's warning, "We shouldnt tell her anything yet." the other simply nodded and tried to calm himself down.

They stood there for a while, discussing how the night went for each of them. Miles was only silent. He began to feel like an outcast and walked away from the group.

With nowhere to go, he walked around the familliar rooms, stairs and halls. Something soon caughts his attention. He looked out from the window to see a couple dancing in the backyard.

It didnt take him long to realise who they were.






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y/n went back to her group of friends once the party ended. They all looked irritated with her late presence. Isla began to yell at her for talking too long. between all of that, y/n was only lost in thoughts. she was taken over with confusing expressions. she paid no attention to others and stayed quite the whole time.

Jay was quick enough to notice it while Miles already knew what happened. But he said nothing the whole way back home. He was only mad about the fact that Thomas is the reason of her being upset.