Chapter fifty: Bad Times

Bee-Bo Bee-Bo

'noisy...' Just as soon as y/n woke up, she found herself in an ambulance bed with few people crowding around her. she felt weak and confused, and rather frightened.

everytime her eyes cleared a sight, she felt a sharp pain in the head. 'i cant breathe...' trying to catch her breathe, she reached out for anythibg that could be clutched.

She felt like she had died in that fire, but once come round, it felt only as if her eyes had closed for just a second and everything changed.

She heard her name being called. they put a oxygen mask on her and continued to say something. she could make out only few words. but who cares...

The only one she was worried about was the person she went through hell with. 'thomas....where is he safe....did we make it out...'

A familliar figure approached the bed and continued to call her. once her sight cleared up, she reconized the person as one of her dear friend.

She pulled him closer and repeated the name she was dying to see, "thomas...where is he?"

Once hearing the name, an intense sadness passed his face. his mourning like expression gave y/n the thought she didnt even want to think of. she quickly looked back to the burnt down warehouse. 


Nothing was left to see. everything has turned into ash. 'I left him there...because of me.'






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Few months passed since then. because there's nothing they could do to change what happened, they all decided to put everything behind and move on. 

They didn't always know what it would take to make it through those bad times. Even thought time seemed to be stuck for a while, they all passed it, together.

Season changed and winter came around. The sky was overcast with clouds and chilly winds were blowing. 

clang clang, "Thanks for coming" the store door shut behind as henry and y/n walked out. with shopping bags in both of their hands, they headed toward the street acroos them. "Did you really have to buy so much...i mean they're just gifts."

Henry replied while a great excitement played in his voice, "Oh, come on. I really wanted to buy some presents for you guys. beside, its a happy day. Grace was finally punished today."

Y/n suddenly quiet down with the sudden mention of her enemy. Henry noticed and continued, "Isnt the punishment too light for her. I mean she even tried to-"

"Forget about it. Her parents did admit that she had been mentally ill from a very young age. She could not get proper treatment because they thought it would stain their family's reputation ."

"Im glad they admitted it. Or else, i was so pissed off when that assistant of her took the blame for everything. luckily the police found evidence of her involvement."

" At least she got the treatment she needed. The court said they would punish her when she's stabilized mentally ... lets just not talk about them anymore. i really wanna cut them out of our lives."

Their conversation ended outside a coffee shop. It's no coincidence, They planned to be there, "beats me. why would ypu suddenly gather us up in a cafe? in this cold day."

"You'll find out soon." as soon as they entered, jay and miles were in the sight. as expected from their visual, they stood out. 

Once they exchanged greetings and took seat, they all turned to y/n in curiousity. "we're all here now. what did you want to talk about?" miles asked with annoyance.

"Not yet. someone's yet to come." just then, the person they've been waiting for entered. The cafe wasnt overly crowded, they noticed as soon he stepped inside, stealing all the spotlight. but he stopped before entering the room. 

"Thomas, over here!" Henry shouted excitedly. Everyone had already knew, it turned the whole place awkward. the other two didnt even look up from their phone.

Y/n cleared her throat, "I decided to gather all of us here as the beginning of our friendship."


"For now, i want miles and thomas to get a seperate table and sort out things between them." easily said but Miles didnt even budge. He still held onto his pride.

Even though the truth had came out and the culprit was already caught, They still haven't faced each other in a friendly way. awkwardness filled the air.

Thomas stood at the end of the cornered table, waiting for the other one to join. but there was no movement in him. Y/n felt responsible for making miles listen to her. After all she was the one who suggested it. 

"I was wondering if you could fill up for me next week, miles."


"I'm planning to hang out with Thomas that day." Miles's cheeks flushed and drained of color when he heard the words. "do you really have to?" 

"I can really think about not going, if you just listen to me and join him in that table."

"Ugh! fine! But keep your words!" After a long time of convincing, miles and thomas were finally on a different table. 

"Nice played." Henry high-fived y/n.  she smiled chirpily. But they were still worried about what can happen in the next scene. Miles can rush out of this cafe at any time without any guarantee. so they stared while not trying to make it odvious.

At the same time, on another table, they talked few words first, then quieted down the next moment. As it continued, the silence later turned into conversation.

Surprising the other table, they both looked pretty friendly now. "hey, dont stare at them. our drinks are here." henry scolded y/n before turning to the waiter.

"I'll only take a quick peek."

"Ughh, fine. its not everyday we get to see the enemies of nation talking to each other." 




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"So... what about y/n? do you like her?" Miles suddenly asked surprising the other. thomas hesitated and looked back to the table behind them.

Y/n stared at them from distance. when he looked at her, her heart skipped a beat. Within a fraction of second, she took away her eyes from him. She got frozen. 

She felt like she had done some murder and she got caught for that.  

Y/n wanted to look back but some how she couldn't gather that courage. Her heart beat started increasing. thousands of thoughts were going on in her mind. She was thinking about whether to look back at him or not. 

Finally, she gathered some courage and decided to look at him. To her surprise, He was looking at her. Their eyes met and a sweet smile came on his face again. His eyes were full of fondness for her. She smiled back. 

Thomad turned ahead and mouthed three words to miles. She couldn't figure out the words but hearing his answer, Miles broke out in mysterious smile. As if it was their last words, both stood up and joined the others.

Thoughts gather like strangers around a bad situation, but it soon push off. Time passed by as they laughed and chatted around. Y/n was happy to finally have a home. To have people to contact, a place in this world. What can possibly happen?




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beep beep

The loud ringtone woke up y/n from her deep sleep. She could feel the cold breeze blowing around her room. "But it's Friday!" as she fix her gaze on the phone, she realised it wasnt an alarm but call. "Good morning sleepyhead!"

"Ughh! Felix I swear-" Cutting off her words, Felix blasted in excitement. "Hold it, I have some good news for you."

"Ughh! What is it in the morning" throwing her phone to a side, she focused on listening in her half awake mind.

"I wasnt really planning to tell you since it was supposed to be a secret. But i'll tell you anyways since i know you dont really like surprises...Anyway, last week Issac took me to his office and showed me around. Because he had soms crazy fantasies that someday i'll work for his company, Which i'll never even if he begs-"

"Get to the point!"

" patience! I will tell you. Then I checked his schedule. There I saw how busy he was meeting clients in different places in the next few weeks!"


"Are you listening?"

"Yeah! yeah! I am..."

"Then, i saw that the last meeting he had was around the place where you live. When i asked him about it, he said we're going to visit you!"

"Oh great-"




" WHAT?!?!" in the sudden shock,

y/n fell down from the bed with a loud thump. She was wide awake now, "What did you just say?!"

"You heard it right. we're coming to your place!"


"Around at the end of this month."

"At the end of this month..."as she repeated the words, her eyes shifted to the calender. only few weeks left...

'I have a lot to do...'