Chapter fifty three: Strangers again

As y/n entered the store, her curious gaze immediately seeked for her workmate.

But he was there, dealing with a furious customer. only after the customer left, did she dare to approach him, "Good evening, Miles." replying with a nod, he continued with the task at hand.

Unlike any other day, he looked tired. His mind wandered while cleaning the counter's mess. "what is it, I know you wanna say something." the other one flinced at the sudden mention.

y/n hesitated several times before actually speaking, "I'm going to introduce you to my friends. Let's have a gathering at your house. This weekend ...?"

Taking in her words, he seemed uninterested "Go on, I'm busy."

"what?! why?! It's the only time we'll be able to see each other." noticing how there was no response from the other side, she wondered if he was hiding something. 

Which was too unlikely to happen. Miles has always been the one making sacrifices for their friendship. then suddenly, why is he avoiding them...?

"Look at you hiding things from me. why? are you seeing someone? is it a girl?" Annoyed by her way of speaking, Miles hits her lightly on the head. A groan left the other's lips. "what are you imagining inside that empty head of yours?"

"Then tell me, what are you so busy with?" silence meets the room. She hears him sigh here and there a few times before speaking his mind, "It's Perry's brothers...Aunt is working overtime. I'm supposed to take care of them. I planned to visit them this weekend."

The look of realisation came on her face. she felt guilty for pushing him to talk about something he wasnt ready to. 

He was informed that they had returned a few months ago, but they never had a chance to meet. "It's even better, isnt it? How about calling them over too. We can all have a good time." 

Miles didnt seem to share the same view, "Im not sure about that...these guys are too difficult to handle."

"Dont worry~ we'll be fine."




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"This. is. a. mess." Everything was thrown around the living room. strewn with pillows and books, there were two young boys playing video games up front. Too loudly to even realize someone had entered the house. "Dont tell me you just told them the doorcode..."

"What else am I supposed to do? They just made themselves feel at home."

"Oh great! Others will be here in any minute now. We really have to start cleaning up." disturbed by the youngsters screaming at the front, Miles finally spoke up, "guys?"

They turned around at the same time. facing the familliar one before them, they shouted, "Brother Miles!" running at him, they collided in a tight hug.

Aiden was the first one to notice the person standing beside, "And who is this beautiful lady?" Tyler was stunned to see this huge amount of politeness in his brother. he wasnt usually like this. 

Regardless he also joined in greeting. "This is y/n, my friend. I have a lot of friends coming today. So, I want you guys to behave yourselfves."

"We'll do." Tyler assured Miles before looking back to the room. as expected, his words didnt match his actions, "Guess we have to clean up now."

One by one, all of them were gathered at Miles's. Jay and Henry were surprised to see the teens. but as time went on, they seemed to be getting along just fine.

Later when Thomas came in, they were glad that neither Aiden nor Tyler recognized him. otherwise, the whole plan of tonight would've taken a wrong turn.

Introduced like any other, the joy in the air went on. the whole place was alot crowded now. but as long as it was fun, who complained.

It was finally time for the real guests to make an entrance. Which turned out to be the problem... y/n was still puzzled with her last interaction with Isaac. she still hasnt figured out a way to talk to him again.

The childhood friend she was once close with, has suddenly changed so much that she cant even face him now.

They barely spoke, but it was evident how much he wanted to avoid her. Or is it that, she did something wrong- Interrupting her thoughts, the doorbell rang.