Chapter 29 A Plan Filled With Resentment

(Third person POV).

One second. . . two seconds. . . three seconds. . . Desmond waited while he tried to maintain a brave front, but his energy was wasted when he finally realized something that if he hadn't been so afraid of spiders he would have realized much sooner.

The spiders that chased him relentlessly with nefarious intentions, although they never ceased their pursuit of him; Desmond noticed to his surprise that the creatures from his nightmares were at least forty meters away. . . And it didn't seem like they were going to cover this distance quickly either.

Noting that the wicked spiders that tormented him so much (psychologically) in the course of the chase were quite slow compared to him, he also seemed to realize that the only reason they were still chasing him was due to their irrational hatred for him (selectively forgetting that he had just robbed them); hatred was born deep in Desmond's heart and he decided to channel it in the healthiest way he knew how. . . applying excessive violence to those who pissed him off.

Performing a quick check on the number of arrows he still had at his disposal, Desmond observed the approximate number of spiders he would face next; After a mathematical feat worthy of an elementary school child, he came to a conclusion that bothered him greatly.

´´ Yep, of course, I'm missing arrows, I say why not?; They're just the grossest creatures in the world. . . fuck these little shits will test the edge of my steel. "

Noticing that the running speed of the spiders was particularly slow and the appearance of the spiders themselves somehow gave him the impression that they would not be particularly agile either; Desmond opted for a close combat approach.

´´ second thought. . . I better kill as many as I can with the bow; the less of those disgusting things touch the better.´´

So in a display of almost superhuman prowess, with Hollywood-worthy cartwheels and stunts, in an action sequence so complex that was simply too annoying to describe; Desmond killed every one of the creatures that star in his nightmares.

´´ Wow I hope someone has seen or noted that; because that was just amazing, "Desmond exclaimed, exhausted by the tense but unrelated battle that had just occurred.

Staring at the multiple spider corpses he frowned at the foul scent of greenish blood spilled everywhere.

´´ Even the dead are a bloody nuisance´´.

After saying the cruelest and insensitive comment about the creatures whose treasure he stole only to later slaughter each one of them; Desmond repeated the usual routine.

Age: 4 months.

Elemental Affinity: Wood.

Materials: Like many other arachnid creatures, his eyes and poison have alchemical purposes; however this particular spider is especially prized by master alchemists for its spider silk. Its spider silk is extremely flammable but durable, making it good alchemical fuel for master alchemists to provide to their apprentices.>

´´ Great more alchemist shit, I'm starting to seriously consider the damn craft; Fuck it, let's get this over with. I'll take all the spider silk I can before something else happens. "

Only a couple of minutes passed while Desmond collected spider silk from only a few corpses; before "something" happened as Desmond feared.


A powerful but sharp Roar interrupted Desmond's actions, upon hearing it he quickly took cover and waited a few moments as a precaution; Noticing the lack of events after the roar he decided to investigate the origin of the roar.

Moments later hiding behind a very thick tree Desmond could observe in the distance a Skyr Ventis fighting against another large beast just outside a large stone cave, taking the lead the Skyr Ventis gave a powerful blow to the other beast making it decide to surrender and withdraw from the fight.

Due to the position, Desmond was in, he was unable to observe the other creature, let alone use analysis on it; but he was sure at least of the fact that it was not another Skyr Ventis.

Desmond kept staying as still as possible and continued to stalk his hiding place, watching the Skyr Ventis wait a few moments before entering the cave never to come out again; just to be sure the place was temporarily safe Desmond had to wait a couple more minutes just as a precaution.

As he gazed at the cave where it lives one of the creatures that had bothered him the most since he came to Serefia's world besides spiders, Desmond couldn't help but think how good it would be to be able to kill the damn bastard. But remembering the enormous difference in strength between them, the little combat compatibility that their weapons had and their style of fighting against enemies with high defensive and offensive power at short range, adding that despite its appearance the Skyr Ventis was not in any way slow; Desmond could only give up on his unrealistic dream of revenge.

Or not?. . . With unwillingness wrote all over his face Desmond began to calculate and simulate all kinds of scenarios in his mind trying to find a plan that could kill the Skyr Ventis.

As impossible as it seemed, Desmond did not believe that there were truly impossibilities. . . Or rather he refused to accept such a reality, he deeply despised the feeling of defeat and surrender that overwhelmed most human beings who encounter a situation beyond their capabilities.

Desmond witnessed too many atrocities and injustices committed by those who succumbed to despair in a difficult time, the events 5 years ago, the death of his parents, and everything that happened in the shelter after that; Desmond mere and simply had a deep dislike for those without the willpower to hold their convictions.

The flames of conviction flooded his entire being and his mind was seldom so clear, with no unnecessary thoughts or witty comments to make or strange references to mention; Desmond in full concentration turned his attention to the cave. . . or more specifically to the upper part of the stone cave entrance, reviewing the tools and materials that he had at his disposal; a highly plausible plan formed in Desmond's mind.

A plan full of resentment not only directed at Skyr Ventis for everything that had put him through and what he had made him feel from the first time he saw him; but also the resentment directed at all those who succumbed to despair and preferred the easy way out. Desmond once again proving that he certainly does not have the makings of a hero, but is still capable of feats worthy of heroic ballads; that not only those of noble soul blessed by the gods are allowed to stand out from the masses.

Desmond Astryd is not dependent on any god, not on luck or background; his greatest weapon, his only support has always been and will always be the same: an indomitable will that never bows to anything or anyone and a resolution that does not stop for moral or material reasons.

Looking at the cave once more and imagining the imminent end of Skyr Ventis, a smile spread across Desmond's face as he began his preparations.