Chapter 109 Improvement of the fox-gentle bow

(Sasha POV)

As a disciple of a great alchemist and an accomplished alchemist myself, the laboratory where I carried out the vast majority of my work was filled with all kinds of equipment for various purposes, from basic distillation equipment to high-end mana infusion devices for compound purification.

Today I was going to use much of my more sophisticated equipment to improve Desmond's bow, who was on his way here to observe the process.

´´ Here you go, try not to break it ´´ When he gave me the bow Desmond couldn't help but joke about the fate of his favorite weapon; This man can seriously be carefree at times.

´´ Don´t worry I´m not going to break it. ´´ I said confidently as I took the bow.

The first step of the process was actually quite simple, at least in its implementation, all you had to do was immerse the bow in a container filled with the solution intended to revitalize it.