Chapter 180 Information Gathering

(Today, 3rd person POV)

´´ Then those lizardmen came out of nowhere, in a matter of minutes they annihilated my entire unit so I took my weapon and finished them all; By the time I finished the barrel of my rifle was as red as the blood of those bastards HAHAHAHA. ´´

Desmond almost stumbled when he heard a soldier brag so blatantly about the incident of the invisible killers, one had to remember that it was Desmond who had killed the lizardmen and if not for him there wouldn´t be a single survivor on the north wall.

Of course, Desmond would not be stupid enough to mention such a thing, on the contrary, Desmond was one of the people who seemed most excited to hear such a story; fateful to his role as a naive rookie Desmond had to act like one.