Chapter 227 Entering the Roaming Cloud Sect

"So why have you come to the continent, Desmond? " Mei asked with joyous interest.

The girl's attitude had completely changed since both of them had given up their hostility in the past, but the contrast between her almost bestial aggressiveness and her cheerful appearance now was so great that it was a bit disconcerting, or at least that would be the case if it wasn´t Desmond who was next to her.

Desmond was used to people with strange and spontaneous personalities just from having dealt with Athena and Kyuru in the last week, and he himself was not the most emotionally stable person on the planet so he could relate to strange mood swings.

Yet Desmond didn't even think twice before weaving a simple lie: "I came to join the sect, so far I have trained by myself and have never formally learned martial arts."