Chapter 282 The Fruits of Pain

"Try to do it more gently" Desmond exclaimed giving a reproachful look at Mei who couldn't keep her hands steady due to shyness as she washed Xiauyue's smooth skin.

That was especially the case when her delicate hands roamed the most sensual contours of Xiauyue's body that even though she was not as voluptuous as Mei, she still had quite captivating curves.

But Mei was who had insisted on washing Xiauyue's body while Desmond only took care of gently holding her and washing her long lilac hair that seemed to have acquired a more intense tone the same way as her eyes did.

Similar to what happened to Mei, Xiauyue manifested some phenomenon related to the increased purity of her bloodline but given the inherent difference between her origins; the phenomenon manifested by Xiauyue was much calmer.