Chapter 315 Pain And Return

The light of dawn covered with its warm glow every corner of the mountain range of a thousand beasts, bringing silent joy to all the exotic flora that lives there at the same time that it ended the vigil cycle of the nocturnal creatures, allowing them to return to their lethargy state and sleep in their respective lairs.

Interestingly, it was in one lair in particular that a certain not-quite-nocturnal creature was just beginning to regain consciousness after a rather hectic day before he surrendered to the gentle whispers of dreamland.

Fair skin, elegant features, with a peaceful smile rarely seen on him when awake, Desmond's eyelashes fluttered for a moment before he jerked awake not quite recognizing his surroundings.

It took a couple of seconds for Desmond to realize where he was, only then did Desmond dare to relax but not before cursing himself for letting his guard down in the first place.