Chapter 501 Night Events

Revna could still remember those days she was locked in that dark basement, being the victim of hundreds of abuses while her friends endured even worse things. The cruelty and humiliation that Revna suffered was not something that could be easily forgotten, in the same way, that she could not forget the moment someone had dragged her out of that hell.

Like the rest of the girls in Garden, Revna had a strong resentment and intense dislike for men, Desmond being the only exception. The word thanks was not enough to cover what Revna felt towards Desmond; it was likely that words would fall short of describing such a thing.

One thing was for sure; to Revna, being able to satisfy Desmond was nothing less than her most fundamental duty. Deep down, however, Revna wanted to be appreciated by Desmond in the same way that Claire and Sasha were appreciated by him. One could imagine Revna's reaction when Desmond invited her into his bed.