Chapter 637 It's Not Like In The Movies.

Though he'd never been one with time to watch TV shows, movies, or play video games, even Desmond knew what a tricky-as-fucking treasure room that was probably full of deadly traps looked like.

Just how the fifth key was perched on a prominent pedestal right in the center of the room was suspicious enough. A glance around revealed more than one type of relic or treasure. Still, Desmond lost interest as soon as he got that rotten feeling that corroded objects on this planet gave off.

The only thing in the place that caught the eye was the fifth key, an amulet of sorts with the symbol of the Licht clan on the front. Although the arrangement of the place looked as suspicious as possible, Desmond wore a somewhat thoughtful expression as he looked at it. Once again, the bursts of chaos in the distance drew Desmond's attention, and an idea suddenly crossed his mind.