
"Erik, what the fuck are you doing?" coughing hard Esma shrieked.

She looked around when she got no reply. Breathing became hard for her in the room that's filled with smoke. Covering her nose with her hat she ran towards the windows and opened the glasses.

Esma's breathing returned to normal after fifteen minutes but that felt like an eternity to her. She was out of breath, wiping sweat from her forehead, she put on the lights.

"Erik, where are you?" Esma called out loud searching for him.

Unable to find him in the whole room, she walked towards the restroom and banged on the bathroom door until Erik opened it.

"Erik, I know you are here. I can smell the smoke. Open the door" Esma yelled banging the door.

After a few minutes, the door was opened ajar. Esma was shocked to see Erik standing naked smoking a joint, looking inside she found a naked woman lying on the washbasin, her face is deeply into the washbasin.