Hot stuff

"So my girl indeed believes in the signal" he sneezed

"I sincerely think Almighty is avenging for something I did in my previous birth. Why should the climate drastically change every damn time and make you display the perfectly brushed teeth set?" I yelled while he continued sneezing and the puppy continued yelping

"Jaan" Mr.Kohli stood before me as the man came running towards me

He was about to catch Mr.Kohli's collar, how dare he? I pulled out the mobile lying in the pocket and was about to call Rishi and the door was opened ajar.

"Good morning…." My words were cut abruptly when I looked at my girl standing at the door. 

With a free sized top slipping down from her shoulders paired with a strapped Pyjama, which is rolled up to the knee length, with the messy bun and with the sweat buds on her forehead. Damn she looked so stunning 

eyes, what must he have imagined? Did he think...that?