Tomorrow is here

Throwing the cup in Dustbin, I pointed my fingers towards it. "This is what I am present, a scrap and that person do you even know how much his share value is now? Ikigai Tech is 6th company in India to enter the market capitalization, overtaking Avenue of UK capitalization. He is bringing fortunes, signing trilateral deals and nation's most wanted as of now and you expect me to just go and claim him mine? Grow up heart, stop building castles in air and expect them to stay intact. If you really like him, pray that he should move on with someone perfect for him," putting sense to my heart I walked to hostel.

"Any luck?" Jyothi Akka, one of the tow persons I share my room with quizzed.

"Almost wanted to take up the maid job, but the ego and pride of studying Engineering though you know nothing about it made me take up the Call Center job for less pay than that of maid"