In a shell

"The call was… why is the room so silent with two chirpy birds?" Mr.Kohli raised his brows walking inside.

"What will we have to talk?" I shrugged.

"Your health, what have you decided? Ayurveda? Any thoughts on that?"

"Well the one you love didn't even give a scope to that conversation" Chandru rolled his eyes.

Mr.Kohli cooled down Chandru and he gave in all the details about Ayurveda treatment, he was well versed with the ailments and Chandru contacted one of the Ayurveda Doctors and examining my scanning, he suggested to go for the Gandha Tailam therapy as my fracture is not deep nor my limbs are damaged.

"Thank you soo much" Mr.Kohli and I thanked the Doctor to whom Chandru made us speak.

"Tripthi, take it. As you heard all it takes is 2 days and by this Saturday you will be set right and can continue with practice," Chandru added.