
Tristan restlessly paced around the whole room. He was unable to gulp a morsel of food. 

The staff working in the close quarters found something is wrong but none dared to raise a question nor say a thing as they don't want to see the same fate like others did.

More than 23 persons who are working in the mansion were ousted from their jobs in the past one and half hour.

The reasons were absolutely nothing. The ones who asked him to eat food, the one who tapped on his door or even the staff cleaning the floor as he was walking in the way.

There is no straight reason, Tristan just barked orders at each and everyone.

"Liam, what is the urgency? Why had you call me?" Raven rushed inside the mansion.

"Raven, Jr.Arnoult is kind of not okay" Liam managed to say.

Liam is one of the special officers appointed in home, he is heavily trained and looks closely after Tristan's matters. He is responsible for keeping the home right on the track.