Quick Clarification

Alright so some of you guys seem to be jumping to conclusions, which is all fine and dandy. Honestly I'm happy to see people commenting, but anyways Anakin/Vader was constantly trying to bring Padme back to life so him growing out of said obsession suddenly would be weird. Honestly anyone would try to save the one they love if they could. Obviously it's one sided love right now due to the fact they havent met yet.

Secondly Anakin will no longer obsess over this Padme. Anakin isn't a good person anymore actually if it didn't have any negative outcomes anakin would've decapitated Watto like he did in the comics, yeah he went back to Tatooine just to kill Watto.

Let's just say Padme is going to notice that anakin isn't a good person, I'll leave the reaction to your imaginations for now.

Honestly if it didnt conflict with the material I would've made anakin not obsess over Padme from the get go. But that's not the case things are not always going to go Anakins way. Anakin will be forced to accept cold hard truths and face reality, he will have consequences for his actions but what I can tell you is Anakin won't be falling for others lies. Anakin will plot and set up various plans and traps to get what he wants he has around ten years of experience as a general. And has even more as the emperors enforcer he knows how people work, he knows how to create plans underneath other people's noses, and this time he refuses to be a slave any longer he is only playing along with Watto biding his time until the time is right. His mother will never know it was him who committed atrocities and murders as long as he can help it. Just like before Vaders weakness is his loved ones, but he will not act on our impulsivity like anakin Vader is in his 40s of I recall.

Also the reason Vader was crying was from remembering the fond of memories they had together the clenched fists were because of the frustration he was experiencing because he helplessly tried to save her life and still couldn't save her. He wouldn't be so quick to these emotions if he was older but due to the hormonal difference of a child and adult he is more prone to be emotional. Also due to having his past life memories his brain is more developed I bring this up because it will be relevant somewhat to the story.

So anyways I hope this cleared some of your worries I'll seeya later today if all goes well in the next chapter