Birthday Queen

I woke up to the sun peeking thru the curtain and shining into my eyes. Jordan's arms were still wrapped tightly around me, and I could hear commotion downstairs that I figured was Leslie and her boyfriend Elijah getting a head start on cleaning. I stretched my arm out to the bedside table and grabbed my phone. 

*2 unread messages from Mommy*

Mommy: Good morning sweet heart.

Mommy: Your father and I got word about how your party went lastnight! We heard it was pretty wild. We hired a professional cleaning crew to come clean, don't worry about anything enjoy your day. Happy birthday my beautiful baby I hope your day is as wonderful as you are! Your father and I love you! 

Me: Awww thank you so much, you guys are the best! I love y'all too! 

Mommy: When you get up there's a surprise waiting for you downstairs! Enjoy your last night at the beach house! Xo.

I put my phone back on the bedside table and smiled to myself, I laid there in silence listening to the waves crash before I turned to face Jordan and he was already up staring at me smiling. "Good morning beautiful, happy birthday" he said before he cupped my face and kissed me softly. I smiled and thanked him. "There's a surprise for me downstairs.. lets go check it out!" He hopped out of bed and pulled on some shorts & handed me my robe, he helped me slip it on then picked me up bridal style. "It's your birthday you don't need to walk, Queen." He winked at me and led us downstairs. There were red roses and yellow sunflowers in a shape of an 18 in the middle of the living room. It was beautiful we walked into the kitchen to see a big breakfast spread out on the island. There were waffles, pancakes, french toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, yogurt, orange juice, apple juice, everythinggggg! I was in food heaven. My mom knew me so well. I jumped out of Jordan's arms, grabbed a plate and started digging in. Jordan was amused by my love for food. He grabbed a plate and joined me. He kept staring off to the side and smirking "What do you keep looking at?? What's so funny?" I asked still stuffing my face. Jordan just kept smiling and pointed at a huge gift sitting under the island counter. I threw down my fork and ran to it. I opened it up to see pink seat covers, a fluffy pink steering wheel cover and a bunch of car accessories. I was a little confused as I picked up a ring box. I opened it up to see a push to start car key. "NO FUCKING WAYYYY!!!" I screamed! They got me my rose gold Range Rover when I was 16, then that was my dream car. If this is the car I've been telling them about I'm going to pass out! I grabbed the key and ran to the front door. In front of my eyes was a black and pink Lamborghini with a big red bow on the hood. I started to fall until I felt strong arms catch me before I could hit the ground. "EARTH TO HANNAH!" I heard. Then i started to hear snapping in my face. I opened my eyes to Jordan Leslie and Elijah standing over me. "Hann! Get up!" I heard leslie say. I finally came to and realized why I passed out. My car was amazing, everything I ever dreamed of! I stood up to my feet holding my head. I immediately called my mother. 


My mom: *barely holding her laugh together* you're so welcome sweetheart! Can't wait to see you in your new car! I'm glad you like it!


We hung up after a short conversation and her telling me she loves me. I grabbed Jordans hand and led him to my car. He sat passenger and the car growled as I started her up. I felt like I was dreaming. This had been the best birthday ever I didn't think anything could top it. 

*1 hour later*

"Mmmm daddy yessss" i moaned under my breath, Jordan had one hand in my shirt playing with my titties and his mouth on my pussy sucking and licking me so good! I was fucking his face and biting my lip, "I-I'm.. I'm fucking cumming daddyyy" I threw my head back and rocked my hips back and forth on his face, my body started to shutter and shake and my eyes started rolling into the back of my head. "Please fuck me daddy!" I asked in a sexy tone. He looked up at me and licked his wet lips. I pulled him up to me and kissed him passionately tasting all my sweet juices from his mouth. He slowly slid into me and started pounding me slow and hard, it felt so good. "Damn this pussy is so good baby" he growled and started picking up the pace. He was repeatedly hitting my gspot and he kept talking dirty in my ear, asking me if I like it and who's pussy it was and I was on the verge of cumming again. He flipped me over on all fours and arched my back and pounded my pussy until he came all in me. I collapsed on my stomach and rested there out of breath. "Come on baby, lets go shower" Jordan said as he grabbed my hand.

Jordan and I hopped out the shower, today we decided to match. I had on my yellow crop top and light blue jeans with my white Nikes, and he had on his yellow shirt, blue jean pants that sagged just a little and his white nikes, we looked super cute! I let my hair curl back up and his waves were on fleek, we were ready for the day! Leslie Jordan and Elijah had the whole day planned out for me! I was ecstatic! I couldn't wait!