Shady & Scandalous

*Hannah's P.O.V*

I rolled over in my bed to see hundreds of notifications on my phone. My phone is never this poppin so I opened it up and the first thing I see is a video I'm tagged in on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. The caption reads "2 nasty cousins" As I open the video my eyes get huge "WHAT THE FUCK??" I screamed! I ran down to Jordan's room and threw open the door. "LOOK AT THIS BULLSHIT!" I throw him my phone and he watches it. The video contains me and Jordan under the table at Dinner. You can clearly see him playing with my clit, and then she shows MY FACE with my eyes rolling back & Jordan's face. The video ends with him licking his fingers and smiling at me. Jordan hands me back my phone and I start to look at some of the thousands of comments..

@Jennaxo_ : What a slut!

@SierraKayyy: Whore!

@DennisM: Oou nasty Hannah, can I get a taste?

@BrittanyKisses: Ewww nasty bitch!

@Kendra2000: S L U T!

I stopped there. What the actual fuck was she thinking? I started pacing back and fourth before I called Mariah. It goes straight to voicemail. I throw my phone down and lay on Jordan's bed. "What a scandalous little bitch when I find her I'm fucking her up AGAIN!" I jumped up off of his bed and grabbed my phone off of the floor. I ran to my room grabbed my purse and keys and jetted out of the front door, Jordan is running behind me trying to put his shorts on barely making it to the car before I start to back out of the garage. My Lambo roars up and I speed down the street about 10 minutes away to Mariah's house. I see her car in the drive way and immediately park my car and jump out. I knock and Mrs. Charleston opens the door. "Oh hello sweetie" she looks at me with a confused face. "Where's Mariah?" I say in a firm tone. "She's supposed to be with you?" I point at her car in the driveway and she calls Mariah from upstairs. She walks to the door and smiles slyly. She thinks I won't beat her ass infront of her mom? Oh okay. 

Me: You want to tell me why you think its okay to do what you did? 

Mrs. Charleston: When exactly did you get home? Girls what is going on?

Mariah: I don't know what you're talking about Hannah & mom I came home lastnight. 

Me: Mariah just stop it already or I swear I will pull you into this grass and I will beat your ass. AGAIN.

Her mom was just standing there stunned she had no idea what was going on, Jordan was standing by the car.

Mariah: I. DON'T. KNOW. WHAT. YOU. ARE. TALKING. ABOUT! *she screams in my face and claps her hands*

My entire mind went black at that point and when I came too I was on top of Mariah punching her and slamming her head into the ground! Her mother was screaming for me to get off of her and trying to pull me off but I was too wild she couldn't handle me alone. I felt Jordan's strong arms snatch me up and pull me off of her. I was still so angry and when he let me go I ran back at her again getting to hit her one more good time before Jordan pulled me away again. He wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't move anymore, he was trying to whisoer in my ear and calm me down, but I resorted to yelling. 

Me: You shady ass hoe you're just mad because nobody ever wants you! You throw yourself at EVERY guy and where does that get you? No where!

Mariah: I'm a hoe? Says the bitch dating her cousin! 

At this point Mrs. Charleston is on the phone with my mom and she's on the way to the scene. We kept arguing the entire time.

Me: Bitch you are sad! You know we aren't family. You're big mad I can have everything you've ever wanted and all you get is a wet ass from getting FUCKED! Class of 2020's biggest HOE award went to YOU! & guess who still never had a boyfriend on top of all of that. YOU!

This time I pressed her buttons and she ripped from Mrs. Charleston's arms and ran at me swiping at my face and scratching me down my cheek and neck. I grabbed her hair and slung her to the side about to ounch her before Jordan puled me back and Mrs. Charleston grabbed her again.

Me: Oh you didn't know did you Mrs. C?? Your Princess daughter is no saint. Hasn't been a virgin since 8th grade. But I'm the slut here.

Her face dropped as she looked at Mariah it was time to air all the dirty laundry out I had time today. You try to ruin me I will ruin you.

Me: Tell her how you would sneak Jacob in through your window, probably stilll do! Or tell her how when you would "stay at my house" you were really out with Brianna getting slutted out at her nasty parties! We can tell it all today! 

Mariah: I hate you bitch! I can't wait to get my hands on you bit-

Me: *cutting her off* for what? So I can dog walk your ass again!

My mom pulls up and she looks furious. 

Mrs. Charleston: Brenda I am so happy you're here, these girls are going crazy!

My mom: It's time this gets hashed out now! 

Me: She put a really bad video of me and Jordan online and tagged me on ALL my social media from a fake page Mom! 

Mariah: It wasn't me. 

Me: Bitch you and Bailey were the only other people there! And she wasn't interested in anything at our table. We know it was you! 

My mom started to try and calm me down and she asked to see the video.

Me: Mom, I'd really rather not..


I hand her the phone and walk away a little bit.

Her and Mrs. C watch some of the video then they turn it off and hand me my phone. "WELL." My mother says. Trying to find the right words from this situation. 

My mom: Whether I approve or not, you are supposed to be Hannah's friend. I invited you into our house with open arms and you repeatedly try to break my daughter down by messing with Jordan and when you see he is loyal you try this? 

Mariah just looks down at the ground and says nothing. I was so happy my mom was standing up for me! I honestly thought she was going to be pissed at me. 


Mariah looked up at us with tears filling her eyes. "I'm sorry." She dryly says before she turns and walks into the house. My mom tells us to head home she would be there later, her and Mrs. C had some thing to discuss. I grabbed Jordans hand and we walked to my car. I was relieved but also still so angry. Nobody would ever be able to unsee what she recorded now I was known as the towns "slut" that's fucking her "cousin". I couldn't let it bother me too much though. I was happy to have Jordan by my side, we knew the truth about us two and that's all that matters to me.

Mariah's P.OV.

She thinks this is over? She can fight me all she wants, I'm going to get my man..