Don't Push My Buttons.

"Fuck!" I screeched after I tripped over my own feet. Jordan grabbed my arm and held me tight. "I probably shouldn't have wore heels to this" I giggled. Jordan and I got invited to Bianca's house party and we thought it'd be good to get out our house for the night. We opened the door and smoke poured out into the night air and loud music filled our ears. We walked through the hallway until we made it to the living room, There were people everywhere, We saw Leslie waving for us to come to her and we proceeded through the crowd to her. She gave me a big hug and then screamed "JUST IN TIME FOR BEER PONG!" While Jordan and Elijah greeted. Jordan and I took our side and started the game, I threw the ball first and it landed right into a cup. "Drink up!" I winked and Leslie knocked it back. She threw a ball and it almost landed in but bounced off the side, she put her hand over her head while Jordan threw his ball and it landed right in another cup. We high fived and Elijah threw it back. The game went on and on until we both only had one cup left. Leslie eyed the cup and carefully threw her ball. "FAILLL!" I yelled as the ball missed the cup, I grabbed my ball and threw it right in. I jumped up and down and wrapped my arms around Jordans neck "We got skilllsss!" I said smiling ear to ear. "Well if it isn't Hannah the Whore!" I hear from behind me. I turn around to see Mariah and Brianna the real skanks of the town. I look at her up and down then laugh "Girl. Get the hell out of my face!" I say before turning back around. "Oh you fancy huh? Miss I date my cousin!" I turn back around & say "I already beat your ass twice. Why are you still in my face?" At this point Leslie tries to run at her. "Lemme get a hold of the bitch!" She yells as Elijah holds her back. The rest of the party is still going on around us and Leslie starts taking off her earrings and heels while Elijah tries to calm her down. Jordan is still standing by my side holding me by my hips. Mariah must think she's big shit because Brianna is with her but I knew Lele had my back I wasn't scared. "I just wanna talk to her!" Leslie says, Mariah just stood there with a smug look on her face and Bianca appears. 

Bianca: Wtf are you doing here Mariah you were not invited!

Brianna: She was my plus one. 

Bianca: Plus one??? Hoe who invited youuu???

Brianna: HOE??? 


Mariah: We're not leaving until Hannah and I fight. Jordan wants me.

Me: I beat your ass twiceeee!!! How dumb are youuu??? What you been doing practicing? JORDAN?? THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT??? *Turning to look at him*

Jordans grip got tighter on my hips as I started removing my earrings and throwing my hair into a bun. 

Jordan: You know who I'm here for.

Mariah: Come on let's step outside then!!

I grabbed Leslie's hand and started walking toward the back yard while Bianca, Jordan and Elijah followed behind Shaking thwir heads. When we got outside I slipped off my heels and walked to the middle of the grass. Mariah starts walking towards me and stops a few feet from me. "Run up bitch!" She yells out. "Hoe you wanted to fight you really wasting my time!" I say back. She stands there for a second then I lose all patience and run at her I punch her straight in the face and she fell back, I get on top of her and start punching her "this what you want huh? This is what you want?" I yell still hitting her and pulling her hair. I feel a tug at my hair and someone punch me in the back of my head. I grab Mariah by her hair and I stand up to see Leslie dragging Brianna thru the grass by her hair hitting her all in her face! "Y'all thought you were gonna jump MY BESTFRIEND??" She yells between punches. I held on to Mariah's hair dragging her by it before gripping her hair and making her look up at me. "This is the last time I'm gonna say this, leave me the fuck alone!" I growl in Mariah's bloody face before pushing her head away. Meanwhile Elijah and Jordan had to work together to keep Lele off of Brianna. Bianca once again kicks them out and they finally leave, or so we thought. We make our way inside and Jordan helps me get cleaned up. Leslie calls me in the room with her to talk and calm down.

*Jordans POV*

I left Hannah and Lele to cool off in Bianca's room while I just sat in the bathroom getting my thoughts together, I hear the door creak open then a familiar face walks in. It's Mariah..

Me: Why are you even still here?

Mariah: Jordan cut the shit. You know I'm who you really want!

I take a few steps back and my back touches the wall, She starts walking closer to me.

Mariah: So you mean to tell me you didn't enjoy that kiss we shared in your bed??

Jordan: Hannah is in the other room, You know if she catches you in here she will kill both of us. Just leave.

Mariah: Not until you tell me how you really feel.

she folded her arms and stood there with tears in her eyes. I never want to be the reason anybody is sad so I tried my best to comfort her without touching her.

Jordan: You have to leave. I'm with Han-...

She cut me off puttting her lips to mine. she tried to enter her tongue into my mouth and as I was pushing her away Hannah opens the door.


Mariah turns to Hannah and gives her a sly smile.

Mariah: The guy knows what he wants.

I'm standing there stunned.

Me: Hannah this is NOT what you think.

With a blink of an eye Hannah is pulling Mariah out of the bathroom by her hair. Leslie is trying to get Hannah off of her but this time she has the strength of a man. I struggled some but when I finally got her off I just carried her to the car and we drove away. Instead of going home I just drove to the beach, she needed to chill.

*Hannah's P.O.V.*

I'm so mad, this is the second time. I just look out the widow the whole time. All I wanted to do was smoke a blunt and fucking KILL Mariah. What was this bitch's obsession with me and mine? We pulled up to the beach and Jordan gets out of the car, he walks over to my side and opens the door, but I just sit there looking at him. Mad as hell. He reaches his hand out to grab my hand but I just swat it away.

Jordan: I know your mad baby, but just let me explain... Please.

Me: WHAT IS THERE TO EXPLAIN??? HUH??? You wanna play both sides Jordan?? You like the attention? I don't give you enough! Well let me make it easier for you. I HATE YOU. ITS OVE-...

He cuts me off by pulling me out of the car and putting his lips on mine. He was holding me so tight. his tongue entered my mouth and then he released the kiss. He grabbed both of my cheeks and looked me in my eyes.

Jordan: You're not going anywhere! You are MINE. That pussy is MINE! You think I want Mariah, when I have the most beautiful girl in the world??? Stop the nonsense. She came in the bathroom and tried to force herself on me. Hannah I would never disrespect you like that.

I just looked at him. I believed him but I was still mad. Mariah is persistent and a whore. I just wanted her to stop already.


I wiggled my way out of his tight arms and walked to the water. I felt him come behind me and whisper in my ear. "I'll do whatever you want baby." He wrapped his arms around my body and we listened to the waves crash.

After a few hours and a blunt Jordan and I call it a night and head home. When we pulled into the driveway I laid back my seat and looked up at the stars through the sun roof. Jordan put his hand on my thigh and started to rub up and down. I let out a small moan as he gets closer to the inside of my legs, "come sit right here baby" he says patting his legs. I sit up and hike my dress up and throw my legs over his, I position myself and sit right on his throbbing dick. I was so wet I could feel it soaking through my thong, although I was still a little pissed, I wanted him badly. I pulled his face to my lips and kissed him hard, our tongues tangled around and I bit his lip while releasing the kiss. I looked him in his eyes with mine full of lust. I licked my lips and rubbed the back of his head, "please, daddy?" I whispered grinding into him. "Your little tight pussy is sooo wet, she needs you." I say in a baby voice. He licks his lips and slowly pushes me back to where my back is resting on the steering wheel he spreads my legs and starts rubbing his finger up and down my slit thru my panties "this my pussy, mami?" he groans. I shake my head yes and bite my bottom lip, he starts pulling my panties to the side & he points his phone light to my pussy and licks his lips again as he admires it. "Put that pussy in my face!" He growls, letting his seat back. I position my pussy onto his lips and he instantly starts devouring me. I held on to the ceiling and rode his face,  he was licking me so good. He stuck his tongue in my tight pussy and I started to bounce on it and rub my clit. "Like that!! Yes just like that daddy!! Please don't stop, I'm gonna cum!" I kept bouncing and rubbing my clit and I came in his mouth. He sucked on my pussy while my body shuttered on his face, I looked back to see he was rubbing his rock hard dick the whole time, I got off of his face and squatted over his dick, I took it into my hand and gently rubbed it around my hole, I started to sit on it and the pressure of me opening up for him felt so good. He was about halfway in when he grabbed my hips and slammed his whole cock into me. "Ahhhh!" I moaned the pain was so pleasurable. I started to bounce with him. I soon felt a finger enter my tight asshole and I flinched. "Take it all pretty girl" he says still thrusting in and out of me. I bit my lip and took all the pleasure. My orgasm was coming and I started to bounce harder. "Fuck me daddy! Just like that!" He never slowed his strokes. My body started to feel a wave of heat go over me and I started to rub my clit, I came so hard and shortly after Jordan came too, I collapsed on his chest as he slid his finger out of my ass, his dick still twitching in my pussy. I loved the feeling. I buried my head into his neck as our breathing evened out. "I love you." I said "I love you more baby" he said back. We made our way back into the house, I just wanted to hug on him, I need to feels his arms around me tonight, I needed the reassurance I was all he needs. After showering I made my way to his room, I got under his covers and he wrapped his arms around me holding me tight all night.