I don't know when this ability of mine exactly appeared, but I'm sure I didn't have this ability when I am still in my early middle school years. The last thing I remember is I could suddenly see images in my head.
I was at first confused, then I found out that those images are actually related information of the future.
I searched the internet about it and it is said that this ability is called precognition. It is not scientifically possible.
I'm not sure, if this ability is precognition or not, as I felt the mysterious secrets it possesses... which was very dark and powerful.
What I want to tell the most is the reason why I immediately noticed that I possessed this ability. It is because of the devastating future that I experience with my own eyes. The future that left a deep impression in my mind.
In estimate, it has been about two years I gained this ability. In the present time, I could at some point endure the backlash that the ability causes when used.
When I used my ability, unknowingly for the first time. I felt an intense amount of pain in my head and I eventually fainted, waking up after a week.
From then on, I decided not to use my ability without control. I was using it subconsciously, and the distance of the future I'll see depends on how long I last. Like how I tried and saw certain events within a month in the future before blacking out.
Even seeing the future in a day could make me faint for hours. It's quite bearable using it in seconds or at most a minute. I could handle the pain it inflicts on me.
I studied, explored, and practiced with my ability from then on. Now, two years passed. I can finally be confident on using this ability with no backlash in the interval of a week. Predicting a month in the future could still bring me a certain degree of pain, but not to the point of fainting.
I notice that I appear to have been neglecting a lot of things because of practice.
It's time to make up for it!