Demon Slayer Headquarters

Upon hearing Ubuyashiki's name, I hear a loud sigh come from Urokodaki before he stands up and starts collecting items. Acting clueless about who Ubuyashiki is, I only see Urokodaki shake his head slowly before handing me the bag that he prepared.

Sending me with a blessing, I set out for the Demon Slayer Headquarters with Giyu. For the first time since arriving in this world, I finally step outside from Sagiri Mountain.

Taking full advantage of the situation, I stare at the scenery presented. Unlike the area being covered in snow like that of what I experienced on Sagiri Mountain at this time of year, I saw as the plants were budding with life as they started to discover the meaning of green.

The bark on the trees were an unsuspecting brown as when I compare, I had expected a dreary, almost grey color. By far though, the flowers were the most beautiful things I've seen to date. The budding colors on each tree, bush, or even weed added colors I didn't know were needed. I wanted to gather the few flowers that struck me with utmost passion, but Giyu wanted to keep our pace up, leaving me to wallow as I watched the scenery pass by me, untouched by man.

After an unknown period of travel, we finally arrived at the Demon Slayer Headquarters. I had previously suspected that I would have been blindfolded before being brought here, but Giyu must trust his previous master that he believes I won't ever betray the Corps.

Etched onto the large door leading to the Headquarters, I find what appears to be the sun being covered by the moon. The walls that surround the parameters stand high and firm. As Giyu walks up to the doors, they creak open with the weight of each door being felt from the mechanisms that heave with all their might.

Standing at the middle of the entrance, I see a man wearing a black version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform which consists of a gakuran jacket and hakama pants, along with a black head covering and a black and white mask to conceal his identity. Seeing his uniform, I know that it's an attendant for the Demon Slayer Corps, other known as a Kakushi.

Showing the both of us utmost respect, the Kakushi proceeds to lead us through the Demon Slayer Headquarters to what is most likely Ubuyashiki's home. As we walk through, I see numerous structures that have been erected around the large campus. Every building I see has a different design to it which is presumably because of a choice made by the owners.

The Kakushi then stops and steps off to the side, allowing me to see an area once again surrounded by high walls, being protected by two Kakushi guards. Upon seeing Giyu, the guards move out of the way and open the doors for him. I go to follow him in, but my way is barred by one of the guards.

"This meeting is for Hashiras only. Other guests are not allowed at this time."

"It's fine, Master wants to see him anyway." Giyu says as he notices my position.

Uncertainly nodding his head, the guard raises his weapon and I proceed to walk in. Upon entering the courtyard, I amazingly see a majority of all the Hashiras.

Currently, I see the Mist Hashira – Muichiro Tokito, Sound Hashira – Tengen Uzui, Love Hashira – Mitsuri Kanroji, Flower Hashira – Kanae Kocho, Flame Hashira – Kyojuro Rengoku, and Stone Hashira – Gyomei Himejima.

Examining each of their features, I stand in silence with Giyu standing next to me. Upon careful examination, I can determine one thing. The Hashiras are older than the presumed age that I would've given them.

As I run through my memories of this world, I would think that Muichiro wouldn't be a Hashira since he should both be younger than me and he shouldn't have a reason to pick up the sword.

Wondering if this is what GOD meant by a slightly changed world, my eyes start scanning the campus. After five minutes of just standing there and looking around, Giyu's, and subsequentially my presence, are brought up by Muichiro.

"It seems that we have received two more guests."

Almost instantly, I see everyone's eyes gravitate in my direction, first landing on Giyu, and then landing on me. Shifting uncomfortably under their stares, the pressure is thankfully relieved by Mitsuri.

"Aw, he's so cute. Is this the little guy that we all gathered for?" Turning her eyes to Giyu for an answer to her question, he simply nods his head.

"He seems quite flamboyant I must say. Such muscles on someone so young. But if this is all there is to show, then this meeting will be nothing more than a waste of time." I hear Uzui state while looking at me with both intrigued and bored eyes.

Hearing the clacking of beads enter my ears, I turn and find Gyomei crying while rubbing his hands together. "If this does turn to be a waste of time, then let us mourn for the loss of another Demon Slayer who I shall alleviate with my own hands."

"We were obviously called here for a reason, so let's wait for Master to get his input on this situation."

Well, that's nice, at least Rengoku gives me the benefit of the doubt.

"But I highly doubt this will be worth our time."

Oh…, never mind.

Both Muichiro and Kanae stay quiet as they both wait for Ubuyashiki to arrive. Once again feeling the stares of the Hashiras on me, I am saved by the voices of both Hinaki Ubuyashiki and Nichika Ubuyashiki ringing out from the inside of the house we stand in front of.

"The Master is here."

All the Hashiras then move at once as they all form a single file line, kneeling towards the dark entrance that the house has. Me on the other hand, had been dragged by Giyu and placed down in the line with the rest of them. Tilting my head upwards to get a glimpse at Ubuyashiki, I see his widdled figure exit from the darkness of his own home.

The scar on his face immediately attracts my eyes as both the coloration and shape of the scar is irregular. Added with the veins that pop out, I am both intrigued and utterly disgusted. Reaching the apex of his walk, Ubuyashiki begins to speak.

"It pleases me that we've made it to our quarter-yearly Hashira meeting, especially with the addition of our new Water Hashira."

"Your words forever bless our presence, Master. I fervently pray that you stay in good health and achieve good fortune." '

"Thank you, Gyomei." Ubuyashiki responds in kind.

"Might I ask why we are joined by the boy here?" Gyomei questions.

"Right. We are currently joined by the current student and grandson of Urokodaki. He shall play a vital role in the success of the Demon Slayers as we have been relayed the fact surrounding his ability to learn other breathing techniques. His rate of growth far outweighs that of others since even at the almost age of seven, he has mastered the forms of water breathing and thunder breathing. Even with the muteness of Giyu, he did offer praise."

Having my body relaxed at the eloquent words of Ubuyashiki, I feel the piercing stares of multiple people. Looking over to the right, I find all the Hashiras looking at me with disbelieving eyes.

Putting his eyes back on Ubuyashiki, Rengoku yells, "As much as I would like to believe you Master, I don't believe that someone so young is able to both master a breathing form and begin working on another!"

"Why don't we have him show his potential then?" Ubuyashiki calmy smiles while looking at me.

Under the gazes of the Hashiras, I stand up slowly and look around to try and find a sword I could use. Upon feeling the tapping of something on my arm, I turn to my left and see Giyu handing his sword to me. Taking it from him, I fumble with the sword before attaching it to my hip. Slowing my breathing to calm my nerves, I use 'Water Breathing Fourth Form: Striking Tide' and then follow up by using 'Thunder Breathing Second Form: Rice Spirit'.

Letting my lungs heal after switching forms so quickly, I look at the faces of the Hashiras. A majority are disbelieving of what they just saw, but a few others are either disappointed or bored.

"Is that all he can do with the forms?" I hear Kanae question Ubuyashiki.

"No." I answer instead. "I have made final forms for both Water Breathing and Thunder Breathing, plus the addition of my own breathing form."

"Then why didn't you give us a more flamboyant show?" Uzui questions.

Cowering under the glare of the Hashiras, I mumble out. "Because it puts too much strain on my body, especially my lungs."

"Show them at least one of your final forms then." Ubuyashiki says while still showing me his gentle smile.

Nodding my head, I take this chance of redemption and use 'Water Breathing Eleventh Form: Calm Before the Storm.' I would've liked to have used 'Smite', but the power output isn't all that powerful yet.

Executing the eleventh form with absolute calmness, I release my strength into the then horizontal strike. Lowering the sword while having my muscles slightly spasm, I look and find the Hashiras much more intrigued.

"For such a young child, he can exert so much strength." Muichiro states.

"And that lovely form was done perfectly." Mitsuri adds happily.

"This is why he's been brought to our attention! With his ability to master multiple arts and create new forms, we could finally put an end to the never-ending onslaught of demons! And by bringing him here, you allow him to become proficient in all breathing arts! You truly are the smartest Master!"

"You give me too much praise Rengoku, but yes, that is the reason he has been brought here." Ubuyashiki speaks.

"Then I would like to be the first to teach him!" Rengoku shouts.

In response, Ubuyashiki bows his head almost sorrowfully.

"Unfortunately, his first teacher has already been decided before this meeting was conducted. He was simply brought here to inform all of you about his arrival and make you aware that his presence will be ever important in this war."

"So, who is his first teacher?" I hear Mitsuri ask expectantly.

"Kanae shall be the first to teach him since, with the addition of him staying in the Butterfly Mansion while he stays here, I feel as though it would be beneficial for him to learn that form first. After learning Kanae's breathing art, he will then have the freedom to choose which teacher he shall be taught under. You can of course reject the action of teaching him, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could all teach him."

"Count it as done then." Gyomei states while crying.

Nodding his head, Ubuyashiki looks at me and gives me a smile of reassurance. Handing Giyu's blade back to him, I am then grabbed and guided by a female Kakushi towards where I presume to be the Butterfly Mansion.

Imprinting the sight of my surrounding in my mind, we eventually arrive at the back garden of the Mansion. Standing in an open field while being surrounded by butterflies, I see a presumably six-year-old girl with thin black hair tied up into a ponytail that hangs off the right side of her head. Examining her figure, the female Kakushi breaks the silence.

"Um, may I ask where Shinobu Kocho currently is?"

Turning the sound at the sound of a voice, the girl stares at the Kakushi before then moving her eyes towards me. Locking eyes with her, the two of us simply stand in silence while staring at each other. However, the Kakushi, at not receiving an answer, bypasses Kanao and knocks on the back door.

With the banging of the door, our concentration breaks, and we both look away from each other hurriedly. Looking at where the female Kakushi stood, I watched as the door were opened by a petite ten-year-old girl with pupilless gradient purple eyes and wavy hair that starts out as black but turns to a beautiful purple as it proceeds down the strands of hair.

"Why are you here Goto?" The female asks rudely.

"Um, I was asked to come here and deposit a child since he will be living here for however long." The now identified Goto answers and upon seeing the look of the girl continues by quickly saying, "This order was given by Master, so I didn't have any part in this."

Gripping the bridge of her nose, the girl grumbles. "I don't think we need any more problem children in our mansion at the moment, but if it's an order given by Master, then we can't refuse."

Hearing that from the girl, Goto the proceeds to bow quickly before then running off the Mansion grounds. Feeling the stare of the girl on me, I proceed to also bow.

"Please take care of me."

The girl only snorts before walking past me and gripping the hand of the other girl, taking her inside. Not knowing what to do in this situation, I try and follow, but upon the door being slid shut on me, I decide just to wait there patiently until the rude girl comes and grabs me.