Love Breathing (2/2)

"I'm still entirely unaware of the volatility of my poison," Shinobu begins. "But I can guess that it's increased from the last time we talked, so at most it can probably handle a mid-level demon. How it's administered… I still haven't decided yet. I can coat a blade in it, but I can also just line some darts with it and hope that it's enough to kill."

"It sounds as if you're the one who's going to administer the poison." I say while squinting my eyes suspiciously.

"But of course." Shinobu puffs out her chest. "This poison is my life's work. I wouldn't want my accomplishments to come from someone else."

"But what if the poison doesn't work, what then?"

Shinobu seems to falter as I ask this. "Um, well, I hadn't really thought that far ahead."

Seeing the obvious blush of shame cover Shinobu's face, I start. "How about this then, when you feel it's safe enough to test your poison and I become a demon slayer, I travel with you and test your poison. Meaning that I can then protect you from any harm."

"You'd be willing to protect me?" Shinobu asks disbelieving.

"Of course, I'd risk my life to protect you."

"You don't need to spend your life to protect me. I'm not even that important after all."

Hearing Shinobu's voice slowly turn into a mosquito whisper towards the end, I grab her by the hands, starling her and forcing her to stare me in the eyes.

"You're more important than you could ever know, and if you don't believe that, then I certainly do. My life is something I can do whatever with, and so if I wish to spend it to save you, then I won't hesitate."

"But what if I die even after you try and save me?" Shinobu yells while tears threaten to fall from eyes.

"Then the two of us would be dead either way, but even if the smallest chance of you surviving exists, then I won't hesitate to sacrifice myself."

Shinobu tears then start to spill as she falls to the ground.

"But I don't want to watch you die. You're just as important to me than I am to you."

"Then I simply won't die and always be there to protect you." I reassure while hugging Shinobu tightly.

"So, you'll always be there to protect me?" Shinobu asks hopefully.

"Of course."

Hearing as Shinobu tiredly laughs into my shoulder, her heart starts to beat slower, and her breathing becomes rhythmic.

Sighing at the fact that Shinobu was most likely overworking herself, I remove the now sleeping Shinobu from my embrace and place her on her bed. Looking at Shinobu's sleeping face for an extended period, I straighten myself and prepare to leave the room. However, looking at the slightly pink atmosphere, I decide to do the optimal thing and stay for even longer.

Placing a chair at the side of Shinobu's bed, I sit there and watch as Shinobu moves around for a bit before reaching out and grabbing my hand. Seemingly finding comfort after having done that, I sit there comfortably, letting sleep overcome me.

Stepping back up to the gate of the Love Nest, Mitsuri is quick to open the door before halting in her steps and staring at me incredulously.

Staring at me like I was some sort of disease, Mitsuri doesn't even look me in the eye until we arrive back at the training courtyard.


That was the only thing I head uttered from her mouth. Understanding that she was asking about how I achieve Love Breathing, I only respond by smirking and placing a finger upon my lips.

Getting a pout in response, the rest of the day continued with Kanroji constantly debating herself against something. However, Mitsuri's debate ends when we approach muscle reinforcement in which Mitsuri seems hesitant to ask something.

"Is something wrong?" I ask her as my arms are placed up in a blocking position.

"Well, it's just that every time you come back here and start training, I notice that all of your injuries are near healed, so I've just been wondering as to how for a while now."

In response to her question, I could only loosely shrug my shoulders as even I haven't a clue as to why they are healing so fast. The most likely solution to this problem is that it's a side effect of my demonic side. My wish was kind of vague when it came to the demon, so it might have to deal with my Blood Demon Art.

Continuing the training easier now with the addition of Love Breathing, I continue my training under Mitsuri. I would have continued my training for another week to reach an acceptable level before moving on to my next teacher, but upon reaching Mitsuri's Nest, I only arrive to see her running around.

"It's the week of love." Mitsuri explains. "And it would be unfitting as the Love Hashira to spend my time cooped up during this time and not spread the beautiful concept that is Love. Demon Slayers especially need my help more than ever as we easily become depressed reminiscing either over the lives that have been stolen from us or the lives we have yet to lose. I shall see you again my dear disciple Shiro, but I must go."

Receiving a piece of chocolate from Mitsuri before she leaves, I watch as she soon disappears with a huge bag presumably full of more chocolates.

Only shrugging since I should have expected this, I decide to return to the Butterfly Mansion and spend my time there for the next week. All residents were overjoyed at the fact that I would finally be taking a longer break than what I previously have, the day remained rather calming.

"Why. are. you. back?" Kanao asks me slowly as if questioning if those were the words to say.

Clapping my hands together above my head, I answer.

"Mitsuri has deemed it the Week of Love and she deemed that it was more important to share her power of Love rather than training me."

After saying that, Kanae suddenly appeared in front of the two of us and then pushed Kanao out of the room whilst looking at me suspiciously. Only responding to her glare with a thumbs up, I decided to spend my free time creating gifts for everyone.

Once a busy body, always a busy body.

Already having a multitude of ideas of what to give as gifts, I began. Even though I knew of White Day, I was certain that it wasn't celebrated yet. I was already surprised that Valentine's was celebrated, but that must be because of Mitsuri's influence, even if she is coherently young.

On the first two days, they were used to create gifts that I would be using for Valentines. For the next two days, I spent my time making a birthday gift for Shinobu since I knew I would never have another opportunity to do so.

Upon reaching the day of Valentines, I presented everyone with their gifts. Their gifts were all small wooden butterflies that looked just a bit like Navi, but with a hole placed in the middle with a string running through them.

Each of the butterflies were painted different colors according to the personalities of the recipients. Not really expecting to receive anything from me, they all felt a bit bad and could only reciprocate by giving me thanks.

After reassuring them that I really didn't need to receive something from them and that the gifts were something made of goodwill for them taking care of me, they finally dropped the matter. Content with the day, I was spending the night lying in my bed, feeling oddly nervous for some reason.

Questioning my heart as for the reason, my thoughts are broken by my bedroom door being knocked on. Upon opening the door, my eyes immediately land on the fidgeting figure of Kanao.

"Can I... come in?" Kanao asks hesitantly.

Stepping to the side and waving my arm in, Kanao's fidgety nature seems to increase as she steps inside.

"Is something the matter Kanao?" I ask since this is the first time that Kanao has reached out to me with such a nervous expression on her face.

Shaking her head in negation of my question, she proceeds to sit on my bed, seemingly waiting for something. Not liking the dense atmosphere, I sit myself down next to her.

"Close… eyes."

Hearing the broken sentence, I can but only relent myself to closing my eyes. Feeling as Kanao's presence changes, I go to open my eyes, but am stopped as I feel an immaculate tender feeling being placed upon my lips. Shooting my eyes, I see Kanao's face only a mere centimeter away from mine. However, the feelings, both so complex and simple, vanished as Kanao stepped backwards, face burning red.

Seeing as my eyes rest on her, Kanao is quick to turn around and run out of my room. Feeling my own face be burning hot, I touch my lips to reminisce. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to rest for the night, I can only let myself lie in my bed.

Returning to the Love Nest still completely out of it from Valentine's, Mitsuri stands in wait.

"Something great seems to have happened to you over the Week of Love." Mitsuri teases.

Only nodding my head dumbly to Mitsuri's statement, she laughs aloud. Breaking myself from my mindset, I proceed to show Mitsuri my improved proficiency over Love Breathing as I had continued to train even over the break.

"It's rather unfortunate." Mitsuri begins sadly, "But it appears that I have nothing left to teach you. So, to prove that you've grown, won't you fight me in a fist-to-fist duel."

Nodding in affirmation to my teacher, we soon stood in the middle of the training ground, facing each other.

"Just to make this fair though, we shall be restricted to only use Total Concentration: Constant for the spar."

"Just know, in terms of Hashiras I am only the strongest when it comes to pure raw strength." Mitsuri states.

"Isn't that what this is though?" Sweat dropping, Mitsuri only laughs slightly.

"There is far more than that."

After she says that, my senses immediately go into overdrive as I watch Mitsuri disappear from where she was standing, leaving small craters in the ground. Even with my senses overclocked, a fist still approaches me inhumanly fast, removing my sense of vision with its overwhelming pressure.

In response to the oncoming fist however, I lean my body as far back as I can whilst keeping my balance. Feeling as the fist ripples past my nose, I try to grapple the extended arm, but am forced to summersault backwards as I feel another fist approaching my no-no zone.

Landing on my feet, my head shoots up just to find that Mitsuri had once again disappeared.

Feeling an impending sense of doom come from behind me, I dive forward before hand-walking a few steps then propping myself up again. Never having the real time to sanction my breathing correctly, I breath calmly before slamming the ground with my palm and spinning myself around rapidly.

Feeling as my foot connects with another object, I propel my body in that direction. Now finding myself atop Mitsuri, I place the tips of my fingers against her throat, signaling the end of the duel.

"Lost to a seven-year-old, who would've guessed." Mitsuri first mumbles while I help her up.

She then looks at me straight in the eyes while laughing.

"You certainly turn into someone different whenever you're fighting, it's almost like fighting an Upper Moon."

"You've fought an Upper Moon before?" I ask with stars in my eyes.

"Of course not," Mitsuri deadpans. "No one has fought an Upper Moon and lived to tell the tale. After all, if someone did fight and Upper Moon and lived, then the Upper Moon would've been killed."

Chuckling uncomfortably under Mitsuri's stare, the day proceeds until it finally comes time for me to return. Thanking Mitsuri for her teaching, I return to the Butterfly Mansion to find Kanae waiting for me. Instead of speaking to me, she instead presents a crow.

"Obanai Iguro, the Serpent Hashira, has requested to teach you! You're expected to accept!"

Rubbing my forehead at how loud the bird is, I send it on its way stating to Iguro that I accept his request. Waking in the morning, I head out for the second to last Hashira I'll be training under and directly into the Snake Pit.