⸢The Job Change Quest will begin. The faster that this quest is completed, the more points you can collect to place you into a higher-tier job. ⸥
Smacking my lips, I give an irritated sigh, "Points? The faster I complete this?"
Rubbing the brook of my nose, the system leaves me with a passing message.
⸢Enemies to Kill: 750 Enemies Killed: 0 Good Luck! ⸥
Watching as the knights I had such problems to deal with before start to flood from the gates, I crack my knuckles, fall to the floor, and do a singular push-up, completing my daily quest.
"Accept Reward #1: Status Recovery."
Having the golden sheen surround me for a moment, the blissful feeling of having my injuries, fatigue, and mental reset was phenomenal, certainly a good enough feeling for Jinwoo to accept it multiple times.
"Alright," I beckon the hundreds of different kinds of knights, "I'm ready."
Like a trigger had suddenly been flipped for them, they rushed forward, enshrouding my vision with a wall of silver and red. Having just improved after the fight with Asmund, I simply had to follow the same strategies that I had used to deal with these knights before. Though, there was a single crushing issue that made me grimace.
Their numbers were of an unfathomable amount. Only ten enemies could surround me at one time, and the moment that I managed to kill one, it was immediately replaced with another, stronger knight.
As my fatigue began to grow, I noticed that the knights were twice as strong as when I began. Among that, different kinds of knights had joined in on the fight. One example of such was a headless knight wielding a barbed whip.
Having never expected it, his whip tore at my flesh nearly rendering my arm useless while it gushed blood. In my moment of agony while I tried to stop myself from screaming in pain, a knight wielding a hook entered my blind spot and dug the edge of his hook straight into my shoulder.
No longer being able to contain it, I scream out in pain, flailing my legs uselessly as the knight with the hook hoisted me. As the other knights inched closer at a slowed speed, memories of my life thus far rushed through my head. It wasn't very often that I got to experience near-death. It had only happened a singular time in Demon Slayer, but it had already happened twice here.
Having so much to lose if I were to die here, I grab the hand of the knight holding the hook and throw him over my shoulder, slamming it into his friendly knights.
Two of the whip knights then try to tear at my flesh, but I take a sharp breath in.
"Water Breathing Eleventh Form: Calm Before the Storm."
The ends of the flails dropped limp and I drop my head low before diving forward, cleaving through the bodies of however many knights my blade encounters. By the time I reach the other side of the cathedral, over fifty knights had dropped to the ground. Whirling myself around, I bear through the pain my body was going through, externally and internally, and breath in again.
"Thunder Breathing Seventh Form: Smite."
Aiming at the place where I believed the greatest number of knights were, a piece of white lightning appeared from seemingly nowhere and destroyed the entire group of knights. As my eyes started to recover from the afterimage of the lightning, my heart near comes out of my throat when I find several Great Knights going to slam their maces right down onto me.
Hurriedly, I use, 'Thunder Breathing Third Form: Thunder Swarm' and have the electrified sword slashes expand outwards to either fend off the Great Knight's attacks, or to luckily get a good enough hit to disable them.
Taking the flail of the one Great Knight I managed to completely cripple, I hurriedly slam it into my aggressors.
Even after giving myself room to breathe, Mini Knight jumped over the Great Knights and arrows started to fly through the gaps of space. I was already at my utmost limit and there were still so many knights to kill, but I had to push on.
Grabbing one of the Mini Knights from the air, I use its body as a shield against the oncoming attacks. Hurling it at one of the Great Knights who had stepped forward again, it harmlessly bounces off, but I had also thrown myself at the great.
Punching around its shield, the metal dents inward, and the Great Knight blasts away, leaving behind its shield and arm which I had kept securely in my possession. Throwing off the Great Knights gauntlet, I attach the shield to my arm, activating a hidden effect of the 'Great Knight Bracer'.
Shield Bash
100 Mana
Great Shield Only
-While you have a Great Shield equip on your bracer, you can now rush forward with your shield.
Does half of your total damage. ⸥
Feeling a great burden leave my shoulders with the help of this ability, I slam my shield into the ground, immediately activating the ability. As both the floor tiles and knights are throws to the side, I continue to, without break, use the Shield Bash ability.
By the time that my fatigue has reached an abominably high number, did I have to stop. Looking at the carnage that I had left behind while I had used said ability, I look up at the counter.
⸢Enemies to Kill: 40 Enemies Killed: 710 ⸥
And sure enough, there standing in the corners where I never used my ability, were ten knights each. And by some sort of poor fortune on my part, they also happened to be the strongest of the bunch.
Throwing my Great Shield off to the side as I know it will no longer be of any use, I watch the magicians that were still alive start to cast magic.
Preparing myself for the feelings of drowsiness and nausea, my mouth thins when an aura of red comes out of the magicians' staffs and cover their knights. The previous grandiose look of the knights changed drastically, now puffing outwards and turning a slight hue of red.
Starting off their march towards me slowly, they then break into a run, until eventually moving so fast that their image started to blur. Though, I did feel slightly grateful that they all decided to attack me at once, it made things a lot easier on me.
Spitting out a mouthful of blood, I use 'Ice Breathing Third Form: Blizzard', shredding the oncoming knights into crystal dust, creating an impeccable shower of their armor. One knight even managed to get his hand to lightly touch my face before turning into icy dust.
Vomiting a pool of blood as I became unable to breath, I near collapsed to the floor if not for the fact that I knew my job wasted done yet.
⸢ [HP: 80/13221] [Fatigue: 98] ⸥
Staring at the four magicians which hadn't engaged with the rest of their soldiers, I began to march towards one. Yet, I halt in my tracks when I see all four of them placing their staff in front of their face. Glowing a bright orange color, a fireball appeared above their staffs.
Dropping down to the ground, I tug at one of the Great Shields and then cover my entire body with it, to defend against the four-way fireball. Feeling as my skin start to be singed off, I watch my health consistently drop lower… and lower… until the attack finally stops, and I'm left at 1 HP.
Crawling from out under the shield, I drag myself to the closest magician which was standing frozen like a statue.
Cutting through it, I turn my head, "Three left." And then two, and then one.
Finally cutting through the final magician, I near kill myself by falling to the ground.
"The absolute dream run of 1 HP and 99 Fatigue." I painfully chuckle.
⸢All the monsters in the room have been slain. The quest will end now. Clear time: 55:48. The potion and shop abilities are now open again. ⸥
Opening the shop as fast as possible, I begin to grab as many healing and fatigue lowering elixirs as I possibly can and guzzle them down my throat. By the time that I'm out of the red zone, the final text box before receiving my class comes.
⸢You have the strength to rise to heights no man has ever seen, enough to attract followers. Those who are living or dead. Your army will follow your commands and shall clear a path of those undeserving of your time. After all, you're made to stand above even a King. ⸥
⸢Your job is "Necromancer". Will you accept? ⸥
"I have no reason to decline, so please grace me. Though, I'm confused about why it's a Necromancer since the wording from before clearly involved the living and not just the dead."
⸢Your Job has been chosen. Based on the number of points you obtained, you will be given a chance to promote to a superior class. ⸥
⸢ [You have completed the test faster than expected.] [Points will be added.]
[You did not use a hearthstone.] [Points will be added.]
[Managed to hold on at the absolute limit.] [Points will be added.]
[The total points have exceeded the feat limit.] ⸥
"Ah, that makes more sense." I then find myself wrapped in light, comforting, and soothing me, like a warm mother's embrace.
⸢ [You will be promoted from 'Necromancer' to 'Lord of Light'.] ⸥
"Ooh, spicy."
⸢ [You have learned a job exclusive skill.]
[You have obtained bonus stats.]
[You have obtained the title 'The one who singlehandedly overcame an army'.] ⸥
'Now with these extra stats,' I rub my hands. 'All my stats are over 100 stats.'
⸢All stats are observed to be greater than 100. Limiter is being removed. ⸥
Looking at my wrist, the black band completely shatters, giving me absolute euphoria, …but it gets better. A sort of plead starts to enter my ears. A plead to reach a higher realm.
⸢ [Light extraction can be used on this target.] x? ⸥
Thinking of the proper extraction phrase, I answer, "Ascend."
Simultaneously, bodies of the broken and beaten knights rise into the air and flash a bright white. From out of the light, stepped being of pure white and silver armor, with white angelic wings sprouting from their backs and silver weapons in their possession. Their weapon being the exact same that they had wield before they had been destroyed by me, and based on their type, they had a different type of cloak to go alongside their void of white face.
Nodding my head when I see their names and the numbers, I lament the fact that I could only actually keep twenty even though I could call thirty. Though, the voice that had been calling to ascend the most, was still screaming out.
Looking to the corpse of Asmund, I find that I can use 'Light Extraction'.
Removing the weakest of my eleven soldiers, I place myself in front of the impressive figure of Order Commander Asmund.
His body shakes for a moment before falling dormant once more.
Getting down eye level with him, I calmly state, "You had been crying out to become ascended, and now you reject it… You wish to be taken in by the 'real' gods, but you have instead been abandoned by them. This is your one, and only chance to achieve something greater. So, I command thee, Ascend."
Floating into the air, Asmund is engulfed by the bulb of light and when it dims, I find myself staring at a rather unchanged Asmund. The only difference being that the plume on his helmet was now a flowing wave of neon white and his wings a purer color.
⸢ [You have upgraded the Soldier. Its level will be 8. Soldiers of higher or equal to rank Principality can be named.] ⸥
"Welcome to a world greater than the one you've been living in, Asmund."
⸢ [Asmund Lv. 8] Rank: Principality ⸥
Dropping to his knee, the rest of my Soldiers of Light follow suit and I finally leave the hellhole.
⸢ [Skill: Light Extraction Lv. 1]
Job-specific skill
No mana required
A Soldier of Light is created from a body by morphing the mana inside of its body.
The chance of failure increases the higher the target's stats are, and the more time since the target's death.
Soldiers able to be extracted: 0/30 ⸥
⸢ [Skill: Save Light lv.1]
Job-Specific Skill
No Mana Required
You absorb Soldiers of Light and save them.
Saved Soldiers can be summoned and reabsorbed whenever and wherever the animator desires.
Saved Soldiers: 0/20 ⸥
⸢ [Title: The one who singlehandedly overcame an army]
A Title given to those who took care of at least 500 soldiers by themselves.
Your stats increase proportionally to the number of opponents you're facing.
(1% stat increase every 1 enemy) ⸥