To my surprise, I fell asleep quite easily yesterday. Maybe my mind hasn't fully processed or accepted everything yet. It is a weird story, after all. But I better take it seriously...

What I am most afraid of is getting paranoid. Suddenly seeing death in everything. Feel fear for every unexpected thing around me, no matter how small.

Am I anxious? I eat my food slower, watch my surroundings a bit more closely, and am careful not to get lost in thought when I'm in the open. But I don't turn around to look who's walking behind me, or wait 10 seconds to cross the road to make sure both sides are safe, or avoid open places.

So, my first day on a new school starts. Though my mother and sister give me worried looks, I need to go. When you have as little brain cells as I do, it's necessary to not skip any lessons.

The first road I cross is the one where I apparently almost had an accident yesterday. Where I met someone who plays a big role in my life, without me realizing it.