Carne Village

(A/N: Everyone from this world who is added to the harem;



Zesshi Zetsumei





Princess Renner

Yuri Alpha)

(I might have upset some people by not adding who they wanted but I think I won't be able to manage having so many. So sorry if some people wanted others, I could definitely do some r-18 with people like Clementine and stuff but these are the only wives that the MC will have from Overlord, even this much is more than I planned so...)

(Also chapter updates might be a little bit off schedule for the next few weeks. I have 3 AP exams and I have to study for them.)

[ ]=spell name


(Writing in 3rd person from now on)

Alyxander had just finished taking a bath and was going to meet with Demiurge. He had ordered Demiurge to search for any signs of communities in the immediate area and Demiurge is now ready to present his results to him.

"It seems that there are quite a few communities in our immediate radius, most seem to be human settlements however my lord. Do you require me to send out some troops to exterminate them?"

"That won't be necessary Demiurge. If there are this many human settlements we can assume they are a part of a human kingdom. Perhaps we could use this to our advantage. Demiurge I want you to check to see if my theory is correct and if it is what kind of governing system they use. We can use Greater Doppelgangers in order to take over people who have high levels of authority, and slowly take over the kingdom from the inside."

"As expected from Lord Alyxander, to come up with such a plan." His words were said with worship and reverence. "However my lord, do you truly wish to rule over humans? We could exterminate the insects if you so wish."

"Demiurge, I understand your animosity towards humans, and I would be lying if I myself didn't have such feelings as well, but they can be useful. I trust you can understand why?"

"Ah I see, I understand Lord Alyxander, I will work to improve my naive of thinking." I really didn't have a clue on what he interpreted from my words, but I honestly didn't care.

"Yes, make sure to do so."


"Hmmm," Alyxander was currently looking at Carne village through the mirror of remote viewing. It seems that currently, it wasn't under attack, but he could tell that the 'soldiers' were nearby, around 2 miles away actually.

"Sebas, tell Lupusregina to accompany me to this town. I intend to save the people to set up a foothold in this unfamiliar land."

"Understood my lord."

Alyxander chose Lupusregina to accompany him for two reasons; she would be able to hide her hate towards humans rather well, and could most likely interact with them easily. The most important reason, however, is that she is really hot and this would be a good time to get closer to her and...ok, that might be the only reason that he picked her.

"I will teleport there now, Lupusregina may join me whenever she is ready."

Sebas bowed in response to his lord's words and left the room, in truth he was rather happy about what his lord was doing, even if for other reasons than just saving the village. His creator lord Touch Me had often said that 'saving people in trouble is common sense.'


Lupusregina was informed by Sebas that Lord Alyxander wanted her to accompany him outside of Nazarick. She would be lying if she wasn't overjoyed after being told this and couldn't wait to brag about this to her sisters when she returns.

Now here she was, walking alongside her lord towards the human village. It was silent, however, it was a comfortable silence to her. She was with Lord Alyxander after all.

"Lupusregina, you know that means Wolf Queen in a language known as Latin?"

"P-pardon my lord?"

"Your creator, he chose that name for a reason. It does seem rather fitting, doesn't it? Yourself being a wolf demi-human and being as beautiful as a queen."

Lupusregina was not expecting that, and it caused her cheeks to take a red hue.

"Lupusregina, as beautiful as it might be, is a rather long name, however. I prefer Lupu, I assume that I can address you as such?"

"Y-yes my lord."

Lupu's blush returned and was more prominent than the first, it was almost as if she was a tomato. She had only ever been called that by her sisters. Alyxander couldn't help but chuckle, to his mind, she was one of the cutest things he had ever seen.


Alyxander was currently standing in front of the soldiers and blocking their entrance to the village. He had told Lupu to stay back in the forest.

Alyxander planned to send most of the trash in front of him to Nazarick, to have information extracted from them. He obviously had no need to do so, but it was mostly because he hated people like this, he thinks they deserve much worse than death.

It seems that becoming a dragon with a neutral justice alignment changed his personality quite a bit.

"Greetings, for what reason are you attacking this village?"

He obviously knew why they were attacking, but that didn't mean he could simply slaughter them now. They are dressed in the Re-Estize kingdom's uniforms, killing them would not be good for my reputation with Carne village.

"That is none of your business peasant! The king's orders will be completed! Kill him and all of the others!"

"I am afraid not. Whether your king or your god ordered such, I will not allow it."

"You heretic! How dare you! Never mind boys, spare him, I have a better idea. We will make sure he has a good time in the torture chambers." His words were accompanied by sadistic smiles from the other soldiers.

"Unfortunately, you will most likely be killed before you can finish your next words."

"Oh, yea? What are you going to do you-"

[Instant Death] (Made up spell)

As those words were uttered, the man whose name was too unimportant to remember, fell off of his horse and died. It was a simple tier 6 spell known as Instant Death, killing anyone who is half of the user's level instantly.



"I will now erase you all from existence, trash."

"Wait I can-"

[Mass teleport]

Although Alyxander said that he would erase them from existence, he actually instead sent them all to the dungeons of Nazarick, where I'm sure Nueronist would welcome them with open arms.

He felt no remorse for what might happen to those men, they deserved it. If you are prepared to kill you must be prepared to be killed yourself. If you are prepared to torture you must be prepared to be tortured yourself. They had it coming.

Turning around and facing the many wide-eyed villagers who were looking at you with fear. You gave them a disarming smile and said...


(What surname should I have Alyxander use? I thought I could use something easy such as Nazarick but that's pretty basic. Let me know)