
Jake's Perspective:

A normal day, I was just napping underneath a tree at the Heroes Arena(oh, that's just the playground we play at where only the best of the best play off against each other), when I started dreaming something very weird. I was in a- oh shit. I didn't introduce myself, my bad. What story starts without the protagonist introducing himself, yeah, I know, major whoop! I'm Jake Robinson, a 17 year old Vampire. You read that right. I'm indeed a vampire. But not that blood sucking monstrosity of a thing. Us vampires are portrayed as these psychotic creatures who have a lust for blood for some ungodly reason. We're just like you people, but our vital organs work differently, that's all. Oh and we're all non-vegans by the way. Sorry, I'll stop rambling. We vampires also have powers coming from the ancestors of the ones who bit us. So there's a lot of crap going on here, deal with it. Our powers are of three types: Hell Fire, Unbreakable Ice and a hybrid version of the first two. I'm a Hell Fire vampire(ok, now this just sounds like it came straight from Pokémon or something.), but Hell Fires' have something special. Their weapon sends one with evil intentions straight to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks with no middle man(You know who I'm talking about.) Anyway, back to the dream. I was in a Passenger Flight but I wasn't a passenger, moreover, I was a Pilot. The other one being my non-identical twin brother, Jim Robinson. We were flying the plane like we were pros, but in reality I never knew how to fly a plane in my entire life while my brother only "flew" a plane in Microsoft Flight Simulator. And I mean "flew" as in- crashed it within seconds after taking off. So my question was: How in God's name are we even flying this plane?!? Well we did all those usual lines that pilots say when they're about to land a plane- " We're about to arrive at Japan's Narita Airport(don't ask me how or WHY we went there.) On behalf of me, your captain Jake Robinson and Co-Pilot Jim Robinson, we'd like to thank you for flying with Pallet Airlines. Enjoy your stay." As soon as it was (karma is a bitch after all, inexperienced pilots flying a plane tend to get on trouble), a shrill scream and a huge shockwave followed, directly targeted at the plane. What? How? Why? I never understood as the plane crashed down, and me and my brother shared our sad goodbye lines you tend to see in movies, like "I love you, man. You're the best brother ever!" and "You too bro! But truth be told, I don't want to die!!!" "Brace for Impact." And at that moment, I woke up. I realised it was 2 in the afternoon. "Man, I slept for two straight hours?? Damn, and what was that goddamn scream? Wait, it's near me. Maybe someone's in trouble. I was a vampire, so obviously speed wasn't an issue. I ran like there was no tomorrow and I reached where the scream originated from. What I saw there was unbelievable. Two of my friends were surrounding a helpless(but cute, just wanted to uh... let you know, Heh) girl. It was James Harlton, brilliant scientist and one of my closest(or ONLY) friends along with Sam Edwin, expert weapon smith and extraordinary hacker.

I don't know what it was, but my instincts just kicked in. I had to save her. I interfered with a cheesy line that most heroes make when somebody is under threat. "Hey, let...her....go. I won't repeat it." "Oh come on Jake, don't just jump to conclusions, I need to experiment on her because she is exactly what you didn't want to be. A vampire." , said James. 'Wait what? She's a vampire? But that can't be. I'm the last one left. How is that even possible? That's bullshit. He's gotta be playing with me.' I had to reply with something, " I don't care, even if she's a vampire, let her go. If you need a test subject, you know I'm a vampire too. You have no choice, and you clearly know that." "Jake, seriously? We're trying to cure you man! Think about it, you'll be back to normal, and you won't be hated by people again." said Sam, with actual worry in his tone. "I don't care about other people either, let them see me the way I am, but I value a life. If you take a life in order to save mine, I'll make sure you regret that choice for the rest of your life." "You know what? Screw it, let's go Sam, let he be whatever he wants to be. Who are we to decide? Girl, you're safe because of him, we won't hurt you OK? If there's any inconvenience we caused, we're....sorry." James clearly had the tone of being ashamed in doing what he had done. " Just don't do this for me Jamie old buddy, I'm fine, really." "Well, if that's the case, I'm happy for you. Just don't cause problems all right?" "Do you really take me for a troublemaker?" "Well whatever, James we gotta go man, my work be waitin for me there. Alright, see ya later dude! Peace out..." Sam says this as he drags James away from the place.

While this happened, Jim was at home, playing some Doom on his console, when Dad arrived to take over the TV. "Dad, what the heck? I was playing Doom, I need to finish that Chapter and fast!" "Well, finish your chapter later kid! I got some Golf to watch." "I hate you, dad. You know that?" "Sure, son. Thanks for the reminder." "Ughhh..." He walked up the stairs, and went to his custom built telescope. (Jim is a Dark Magician, he literally summons his stuff from smoke and has the power to destroy one's body, hands free, by just gestures. Too overpowered in my opinion.) He sees something in the far stretches near Mars(I know, his telescope is as overpowered as he is), a purple ring forms, and from it emerges a huge-ass ship I've only seen in movies. He felt soundwaves passing from somewhere in Earth towards that ship and return the same direction(I mean, come on author! Jim has more powers than me at this point. Stop making him too overpowered for God's sake!!!) "Oh no,no,no,no. This shouldn't ever happen. Not at this time!" He took out a book which was only openable by him, because it belonged to The Dark Guardians, the group of Dark Magicians he was trained by(because otherwise the plot wouldn't go forward), in which every species of creatures, be it real or mystical(such as myself) and events that can take place in certain time scapes are mentioned. He checked it and realised it was too late. It...was already happening.