Problem solved

He had chosen the meditation because it opened much more options, but he still had other decisions to make too. The body thing was already decided because he officially became a hybrid, he could absorb the energy in the environment and in creatures and also do physical exercises, training and gathering energy in his body by meditating. But he had to choose how to train his mage crystal still, he could use a method that created a whirlpool for the mana which expanded the more mana it had in it or he could use some sort of rune that he made to gather the mana it was safer but used a lot of resources. As he thought about it he had an idea, after sneaking out to gather the resources while everyone was asleep and getting in a comfortable spot he began.

The mana gathered in his crystal quickly after it gathered, and started rotating. It was calm at first, but started getting rough and chaotic as time went on as he felt that the energy was about to breakout and go berserk it finally stopped increasing in power. It was at that point he started the second part, he made the rune fast and it was perfect for his needs. The rune changed forms under his control and entered his body, the liquid rune went straight for his mage crystal, when it reached there it covered the crystal in a thin and clear coating it immediately started amplifying the crystals power. After some time the rune glowed and on each of the side of his crystal many hundreds of micro-runes could be seen. This technique was a formation that not only amplified the crystals ability to compress his elemental essence but also unlike others to be able to store in different sections of the crystals storage different elements instead of making an entirely new crystal every time.

He solved the problem of having no training techniques. After he finished that exhausting process he decided to rest.

The sun seeped through the window and the man sleeping on the bed was finally forced to wake up. When he woke up, he noticed that there was a note left in his inventory. When he opened and read the note he was confused, the note said as such.

" I know that we haven't been together long but I can't help you anymore after this point, I've exhausted the small amount of power this fragment of my soul possesses and need to go dormant to recover. I don't know how long it will take for that to happen blu gladly even without me you can keep accessing the system features at any time. I also left a parting gift for you, it's in your system feature section. It will greatly increase your power and speed up your first level of cultivation, it still has uses after that and are a huge time saver." And with that final message he felt like a part of his mind that had been in constant use was now not functioning and was completely empty.

He quickly checked the system feature area on the display. There were the usual areas, then there was a new section at the bottom. It said never ending dungeon. The information section said that it could only be activated once a day for a set amount of time in the separate dimmintion, the time he could spend in there increased as his power did.

He thought that it seemed interesting, and entered. Once he entered he felt a soft breeze blew across his face and he smelt grass. As he opened his eyes he was no longer on that god forsaken boat, but was in the middle of a giant grassland, it had trees and bushes sprinkled all throughout, there were large mountains in the distance and there sky shone brightly above him.

As he was in awe about the whole situation, he heard the tall grass swaying in the wind, the birds and insects chirping all around him and not far away a high pitch screech emitted. He jumped to the side as soon as the the sound pierced his ears a two foot deep crater appeared in his previous position. The creature that caused this was a rabbit like beast, the only problem was that it was three feet tall and had many rows of sharp fangs. Before he could get a good look at it, the beast lunged at him. The creature was entirely engulfed in dark purplish flames, he took advantage of its confusion and blinded state. He slid beside it as his claws sliced its side. Boom. He felt his ribs creak as the rabbits leg launched him five feet in the air. He unveiled his wings stopping his dissent and with a flap he soared over the battle field. Swooping down from fifty feet in a breakneck dive he quickly pierced through the rabbits thick hide.

Before the body hit the ground, it exploded into a grey smoke. After the smoke had cleared there was a shiny red orb on the ground.

As soon as he touched the orb, he felt it move through his body and stop in a small area in his mind. As soon as the orb stopped there a small dimension opened and the orb appeared in it. After that he had hunted for 5 hours he gathered more orbs, but he was only able to get ten more before he was crushed by some enormous foot. He jumped out of fright as soon as he regained consciousness.

He calmed down when he saw where he was and sat down on the large mattress, he knew he was forgetting something and tried to remember. As he sat on his bed he suddenly remembered the instructions on what to do with the orbs, a red orb appeared in his hand and he ate it. His hand dropped immediately after and he had a pained expression.