Filthy creatures

Standing over the corpse John checked his health to see how long healing would take.


Name: John largens

Class: Necromancer(draconic knight restricted due too race)

Lv: 1(Exp: 15/50)

Hp: 17.3/20(While out of combat you will heal 0.3Hp/minute)

Title: [Restricted: Draconic abomination]

Race: Hybrid[Restricted: Phantasmal colossal drake]


(Mana and energy recovery 0.1/minute out of combat, it can be doubled by meditation.)

Energy: 14/20(-2 energy for physical attacks[author note])

Mana: 11/20

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 20

Speed: 20

Black star: Tier 1 initial(necrotic gas)


Mana bolt:

Mastery: 3/50

Once mastery reaches 50/50, mana bolt skill will be acquired.

'So it's going to take about ten minutes for my health to recover, I might as well try out my skill'. Jumping down from the rock John stretched his hand towards the rat and activated his skill.

Black smoke leaked from his hands and surrounded the rats corpse. The flesh began melting off the bones and the creatures skeletal structure began altering. The bones took on a blackened sheen as they lengthened and thickened, the skeleton began to resemble that of a hunched over human and the creature stood to be about three feet tall.

(-5 mana)

Within the skull of the creature a blue flame lit in each eye socket, which slowly refined to look more like blue pupils in black sclera(white of the eye). The creature was still surrounded in a black mist, which proceeded to coalesce in it's empty chest cavity forming it's own version of Johns black star. Black blood vessels attached to the skull and its for limbs.

Once the creature was summon it grabbed a few of the spare bones such as the bones comprising the rats tail. The bones began to liquify and morph into the shape of a short sword. The skeletons hands moved and clean along the surface of the bone blob as it took shape.

After five minutes it had fully formed into a bone dagger. Holding the dagger in one hand the skeleton stood in front of him briefly before kneeling on the ground in front of John.

John watched for a second and pondered on how the creature made the weapon before being brought back to reality by another fateful ding.

'[The summoned creatures information has been added to your skills section]'




Skill points: 0

- Summon low tier undead(active)lv: 1: Summon a minion of the dead to fight for you. Requires one small corpse. 10 energy.

- Deaths embrace(passive)lv: 1: Control and contain one skeleton in your mana core(black star).

[Flawed skeleton]

Mp: 4/5

•Rat skull(+1 attack to base)



Strength: 6

Dexterity: 5

Speed: 5



Relentless embrace: As an undead this creature has infinite stamina and unrelenting thirst for death.

Description: Flawed creature formed from the corpse of a feeble creature.

Scrimshaw: Using bone the skeleton is able to create weapons and tools out of bone.


- Death aura(restricted due too level)

•Unlock conditions(level 5)


John sat down on the ground in front of the skeleton and gathered all the other bones left in the old nest and on the ground where the creature was summoned. He then proceeded to send the skeleton his first command, which would be to forge a long sword using the bones in front of it.

John watched as it began using the mana stored in its black star to form the weapon, the mana pulsed through the bones and melted into a malleable paste which slowly took the shape of a long sword a three foot blade formed with a six inch guard and a twelve inch handle. John proceeded to check the stats on the blade.

['Weak bone dagger']

Tier: Beginner

Damage: 1 damage per attack

Description: This tool is an extremely weak dagger forged by a novice, this blade has a slightly sharpened blade. Only a passive skill can be used while in combat by injecting a point of mana the skill can be used for thirty minutes.

Sword expert(passive): The user will become an expert of the blade while this skill is active, during combat the user gains mastery twice as fast during combat, once the first tier of mastery is unlocked, a active skill can be acquired from the system.

John was very glad he had the skeleton forge him a blade, he also took inspiration from the skeletons skill and used his own mana to try and forge some items and get the skill for him self. Bathing the bones in his mana John tried to forge the bones melted into a large mass of white paste. Although he was able to break down the bones he had a difficult time attempting to make it into and sort of tool or weapon. After ten minutes of trying, he gave up and just stretched it out to make a long cylindrical staff.

(-2 mana)

'[You have gained the scrimshaw skill]'

He put the bone staff in his inventory and sat down to begin meditating. It took a while for John to just enter meditation, but when he finally did the energy around him became partially under his control. In his meditative state he was able to sense the energy and gathered it towards his black star, blue wisps of energy gathered around his body and slowly trickled into his body. Within his heart that had a black membrane of the black star it began to be strengthened and thickened the black layer. The membrane began to release black smoke that pumped into his veins and flowed through his body, he felt the energy begin to increase and accumulate.

(+0.1 permanent mana +0.1 permanent energy/ ten minutes of meditating)

After a bit over an hour and a half of actively meditating he had been able to fully refill his mana and energy, when he opened his eyes he saw the skeleton standing guard in front of him with his weapon at the ready. He chuckled lightly as he pulled the wooden staff back out, but before he moved he was stopped by system notifications.

'[You have gained the meditation skill, due to 100 minutes of meditation you have gained 1 point to your mana and energy stat. Due to working and training in the mystic arts, you have gained 0.05 to your passive mana/energy regeneration.]'

He felt glad that his progress had been rather swift, and that he was beginning to recover his strength. Moving forward he ordered the skeleton to be his vanguard, while he would be the rear support. He continued into the dungeon and was ready to find the next battle, he knew that there might be more rats in the next group due to the supposed increased difficultly.

Creeping up on another nest the was about half a mile down from the previous nest, he soon found out that he was right in his assumption. Unlike the tropes in books though there was more than just two beast this time, there was three and one of them the ring leader was level four. The boss was huge and double the size of the other rats around it, seeing that all the creatures were sleeping John sent the skeleton to sneak up on the boss while he analyzed it.

'[Demonic cave rat]'

Level: 4

Hp: 10/10



Scratch: 5 bleed damage(1.7 damage over three seconds)(Stackable)

Bite: 8 pierce damage(Goes through two layers of armor)

(Poison attribute all attacks +0.2 poison damage over three seconds and weakens muscles till the end of combat)


After many more generation of the cave rats breading and developing the desire to grow stronger from being slaughtered by warriors the rats have given birth to a leader to lead them into battle, its pelt is filthy and covered in a poisonous moss. Due to eating and being covered in this moss, it's attacks have gained the poison attribute.

The skeleton managed to sneak up behind the 'Demonic cave rat' and raising it's sword(it's sword has the same stats as John's). It waited for John's signal. Seeing that the skeleton was ready he charged up one of his mana bolts.

A blue bolt of energy shot out of John's staff and squarely hit one of the 'Mutant cave rats' right in the hind leg, while his skeleton slice into the boss. After slicing into the beasts back the skeleton had awoken it, but didn't stop there as the beast raised its claw to bag the skeleton away, it quickly side stepped and stabbed the groggy rat right in its eye. Wailing from the pain the rat pounced at the skeleton as soon as it pulled its sword out, now it had pulled agro the skeleton just had to stay alive.

(-1 health: mutant cave rat)

(-2 health: demonic cave rat)

Since John had moved after attacking, now hiding behind a large boulder, the other rats couldn't discern his location. He decided to take advantage and this allowed him to charge another attack and blast the same rat. This time the bolt rammed into the creatures side, knocking it off balance.

(-1 health)

Even though one rat was almost dead, that didn't stop the other that had been on high alert to figure out where John was hiding.

While this was all happening the skeleton was just trying its best to not get damaged by the enormous rat. Even though John's analyze ability was not strong enough to tell the beasts stats due to the tower suppression, he could tell the rat was enormously powerful and thus told the skeleton to just run away and dodge its attacks. All the skeleton has to do was distract it from attacking John while he kill the other two.

While the second rag was charging at him, John kept a cool head as he had been through much worse already in his second life. With practice John found that the mana bolt on the staff had a two second recharge, so he already was ready and blasted the second rat in the front leg.

(-1 health)

The blast shattered its leg causing it to tumble and crash into a boulder and although it didn't hurt the beast it still stunned it. John launched another bolt towards its struggling companion that was unable to move with its broken bones.

(-1 health)

'[You have killed the enemy, 'mutant cave rat'. You have received 15 exp]'

Exp: 30/50

Sighing John knew that his job had just become infinitely easier, now he only had to deal with the other rat before going back to help his skeleton. While the skeleton had been fighting it had its left arm ripped right off by the huge rats bite attack, it had now retreated even further and was throwing rock to little effect with its still attached arm.

He knew that the skeleton who was still level one wouldn't last very long if the battle continued like this. Bringing his attention back to the last 'mutant cave rat' who recovered from its daze and began charging at him once more, it was considerably slower now that it only had three working legs left.It was still over fifty yards away and wouldn't reach him before it died, so he quickly finished it off.

(-2 health)

'[You have killed the enemy, 'mutant cave rat'. You have received 15 exp]'

Exp: 45/50

Now that he could finally focus on the real battle John was exited about what this more powerful rat would give him. John had a thought and decided to test his idea regarding the mana bolt.

Considering that it was just a blast of mana, it should be possible for him to use more than the base mana for the skill rather than just using the system to activate it for him.

Using the experience in meditation he channeled all his remaining mana into the staff, and even though he still only had three mana left from using the skill six times before, the result was better than expected by using it himself. A slightly more powerful and fast bolt of blue energy that seemed to be condensed shot out of his staff, and exploded into the previous wound the creature had on its side.

(-1.5 health[mana bolt], - 0.5 health[for hitting it in the already wounded spot it did more damage])

'[The user has gained + 5 mana bolt mastery for using it on your own]'

The rats health had dropped to 6/10 health it now refocused on John. It entered into a rage, it's eyes glowed red as it charged forward. The beast closed the gap extremely quickly John only had time to swap weapons and prepare to dodge before the rat had appeared before him.

The rat viciously clawed at John, he dodged and bided his time. Twisting and side stepping he kept close, but not within the beasts range. In its rage the rag has completely forgotten about the skeleton, who was now booking it after pulling its sword from a bone sheath that it had made at some time while John was meditating.

The skeleton was running at top speed, but it took a while. John was starting to panic, the dodging was so intense that he had already used up a energy point in the few moments. Finally the one arm skeleton arrived and attacked at the same side that was injured.

(-1.1 health)(-0.5 health)(Authors note: same reasons as above)

As the beast was temporary stopped from its tirade due to the pain, John moved from it front and let the skeleton take its ire. As it began to lash out again the rat didn't even notice the change in its victim. John continued slicing its back apart as the skeleton did its best to run from the rat.

Finally he had killed the huge rat and sat down to take a break, when he was flooded with notifications.

'[You have killed the enemy, 'demonic cave rat'. You have received 40 exp]'

'[You have killed a demonic beast and absorbed its power, this has unsealed part of your powers]'

'[Check your status page for updated information]'


Name: John largens

Class: Necromancer(draconic knight restricted due too race)

Lv: 2(Exp: 35/100)

Hp: 30/30(hp recovery 0.3/min)

Title: [Restricted: Draconic abomination]

Race: Hybrid[Restricted(0.1% unsealed): Phantasmal colossal drake]


(Mana and energy recovery 0.15/min)

Energy: 11/26(5 attacks -10 from 21 before battle)

Mana: 0/26(7 attacks -21 from 21 before battle)

(20 + 5 from level up plus power unsealed)

Strength: 42

Dexterity: 37

Speed: 41

Black star: Tier 1 initial(necrotic gas)


Mana bolt:

Mastery: 14/50

Sword proficiency:

Mastery: 10/50(doubled from 1 per attack due to sword)



Skill points: 2

- Summon low tier undead(active)lv: 1: Summon a minion of the dead to fight for you. Requires one small corpse.(10 mana)

- Deaths embrace(passive)lv: 1: Control and contain one skeleton in your mana core(black star).

[Flawed skeleton]

Hp: 4/5(Authors note: The rat couldn't do much damage due to it lacking flesh, since it lost a limb I felt taking off a fifth of its health would be good)

Mp: 5/5

•Rat skull(+1 strength to base)



Strength: 6

Dexterity: 5

Speed: 5



Relentless embrace: As an undead this creature has infinite stamina and unrelenting thirst for death.

Description: Flawed creature formed from the corpse of a feeble creature.

Scrimshaw: Using bone the skeleton is able to create weapons and tools out of bone.


- Death aura(restricted due too level)

•Unlock conditions(level 5)


His skeleton quickly began chopping up the rat as it gathered new bones for its arm. Once it had them it quickly used up a few points for mana as the bone liquified and reattached to its shoulder.