There's a Storm Brewing

Trodden the vastness of the skies, Hatysa quickly flew straightforward to Mt. Brimlet. She spread out her wings wide open and flap as hard as she can to get there before they does.

'We will meet again someday, human. And when that happens, I'll surrender myself to you.' A voice appeared on her head. It was the very idea she had in mind when she took Jeruzen back to Mt. Brimlet the last time.

She knew that day would come but this is not the right time. However, she had to do the right thing. She had to warn them about the danger that's coming their way.

Not that long, she can see the peak of Mt. Brimlet over the horizon. When she arrived there, she hovered above the inn and tried to sight if there is anyone below but it seems the inn is empty.

She landed swiftly on the ground and tried to gather all of her courage to face them. She walked slowly towards the door and knocked it thrice but there was no answer. She took a peak at the glassed window but it was empty. No one was there.

She flew back high in the sky and roamed here eyes around the horizon trying to locate Jeruzen and the rest of the Midnight Justice.

Fortunately, she took a glance of Faye at the spring taking a bath all by herself. Hatysa fly in a great pace towards her but she stopped before Faye had a sight on her. She thought Faye won't listen to her, and the fairy princess haven't met her yet and might sum up that she's still on the enemy's side.

She needs to find Jeruzen. Luckily, she took a glance of Jeruzen just from where she's at now. She fly past by Faye in a hurry towards the river that was located beyond he spring where Faye was taking a bath.

"What was that?" Faye looked up at the sky when she spotted something like that of a bird flying at a great speed. She put her hand on top of her eyes to cover the sunlight that limits her vision.

Hatysa was already there and the river where Jeruzen is, was just beneath her. She watch Jeruzen from below and was about to fly down when something came up her mind. Perhaps, this is not the time that they have to meet again.

"Make that sixteen. Yeah!" Jeruzen shouted as he counts the fishes that he had caught.

"You need to fill up one more bucket, Jeruzen." Zhia yelled and throws the empty bucket towards him.

"What's that?" Chaneri asked when she caught a glimpse of reflection from the water. She looked up but there was nothing there.

Suddenly, something fell from the sky at a bullet speed. It was Jeruzen's dagger, all five of them swiftly pierced on the ground from above.

"How did it get here?" Zhia asked confusedly.

The three were cautious and alert from the surroundings waiting for the unwanted guest to show up.

"Chaneri, stay behind me!" Zhia called her out of the water.

As the three of them gathered in circles, hundreds of white feathers fell from the sky. It swiftly drifted with the wind until it reaches the ground and some on the water.

Jeruzen exactly knew who that was. "Hatysa…" He smiled and looked up above trying to get a glance of her but he couldn't see her.

He run towards the daggers and picked them one by one from the ground. On one of them, there was a paper attached.

"Please be careful, a great storm is brewing this way." The letter says.

"What does that mean? The sun is on it's peak and I don't see any thunderclouds from the horizon." Zhia said.

"That's not it." Jeruzen replied.

"What is it, nii-chan?" Chaneri asked.

Meanwhile at the inn just after Hatysa arrived there and left, Mizuki and Maku came back. It seems the two sneaked out again using the teleportation crystals. They must have come back at the Forest of White Secrets.

"Are you sure it's fine to take something out of that forest? I though it's forbidden." Maku asked as they carry baskets loaded with berries and other fruits and veggies that can only be found inside the forest.

"It's fine, we are not stealing. I help nurturing some of these when I was still living there. Besides, I already asked Laguna if we could take some and she's okay with it." He said.

"Okay! If you say so."

Maku walked towards the front door and opened it. What welcomed him from outside startled him.

Five members of the Orions were outside waiting for them to come out to surprise them. Bellatrix, Meissa, Delta, Epsilon and Zeta.

"Checkmate!" Bellatrix smirked and blow up the inn with just a snap of her finger. It seems she had already prepared hundreds of explosive around the vicinity of the inn.

"It seems there are only two of them here." Delta said from behind.

"Let's split up and look for the others." Bellatrix ordered.

"Two down, eight more to go!" Epsilon said.

"Let's go, girls!" Meissa yelled.

"Delta, take the northern side of the mountain. Some of them must have been busy hunting their food out there. Epsilon and Zeta, take the rivers and springs on the west."

"Leave that to us!" Zeta said.

"Meissa, you're coming with me. Let's disturb some dragon's nest." She smiled wickedly.

With no more time wasted, the ladies split up and took different directions. Delta to the north, Epsilon and Zeta to the west while Bellatrix and Meissa take the east.