The Mysterious Child

"What now?" Zhia asked.

"Let's head towards the palace and find the creature that Clover was talking about." Isidore replied.

"How about them? What should we do?" Mizuki jumps in their conversation and asked what to do about Meissa and Bellatrix.

Before Isidore could get to say anything back to Mizuki, a loud explosion could be hear from the direction where Meissa and Bellatrix are held captive.

The place becomes foggy from all the dusts and smokes that covered the whole area from the unidentified explosion that suddenly occur. The five of them coughs from all the dusts that they have inhaled. Not that long, the smokes were swept away when the roc flapped its wings to shoo the dusts and smokes away, revealing that Meissa and Bellatrix had already escaped away from them. The two must have secretly do something to help theirselves escape secretly while Isidore and the others were busy discussing about the god, curse and how to remove it.