Chapter 2

We woke up at 0300, thanks to the alarm around the campus. We all did our morning routine like taking bath, brushing our teeth, wore our uniforms, and so on. Another alarm rang around the camp indicating it was 0400, breakfast time. Joey and I walked there together and got our breakfast. We ate a bit quickly so we can let the food digest in our stomach before training. We waited for an hour before we start. Another alarm rang again, the sound rang loudly than the first two alarms. We went out and to the training camp. "You all better be complete because we will now start your first official training. I'm Sergeant Carlos and I will be the one who will execute your training regimen. So you better be prepared for what's to come to you. Alright!?", explained loudly by the official in front of us. We all responded loudly to him, "Sir, yes, sir!" He nodded and started talking again, "I will be discussing the training and what you are about to do. This will occur every other day and I expect you to take this training seriously. First, stretching. We don't want anybody's body to ache after training. Then you have to do a 2-mile run, 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, Forced march with a 30-pound rucksack, rope climbing, and squats. I expect you to do all of this synchronously and around 6 hours because this training can be difficult. Understood!?" We all answered in a shouting manner, "Sir, yes, sir!" He grunted, "Good because you better start now. We already spent 10 minutes of our time here! Go, go, go!"

We all started stretching and do all the difficult training. We all started to sweat profusely from how much the training made us do. We carried our feet everywhere and carried heavy objects. For sure, our body would ache because we weren't used to this kind of training. We have to get used to this kind of training because this will be our kind of training every other day. Joey and I were in pairs as they said that we have to go in pairs to help each other throughout the training.

We finished in time, exactly before it became lunchtime. We all walked to the cafeteria hoping to rest while eating. While walking there, we all wiped our sweat caused by our training. We picked up our lunch and ate at a table. Joey and I were seated by each other again since we only knew each other. We both looked at the other soldiers and they were eating like beasts. It must be the training that made them hungry. Throughout the lunch, we heard the shouting of other soldiers. Guessing that they are our upperclassmen who are training. I think we all have a different training schedule so the training camp won't be crowded. We all finished lunch and rested for a while. Joey broke the silence, "My body hurts and is aching. Then later we have another training. I also heard from someone that every other day, we will have academic training." I looked at him and responded, "Yeah. I guess so. We have to learn especially how to use certain weapons for training. I mean... well, mostly the guns." He nodded. Another alarm rang again and so we went back to the training camp then started training again.

It was now 1800 meaning that training is finished. So, tomorrow we will be having academic training instead of physical training. We took a shower to remove the dirt that is on our bodies. We went to the cafeteria and pick-up our dinner. It was now full, unlike yesterday. It was filled with people so, Joey and I went and sat at the least crowded table. We sat and ate peacefully just enjoying our food and occasionally talking with others at the same table with us. "Hey. Do you guys know each other?", one asked. Joey answered, "Yeah. We met at the bus that is driving us to this camp." Another person asked, "So you came from different hometowns?" We both nodded and they said, "Us too." Dinner time finished and we went back to our own quarters. All of us were relieved that we get to sleep especially after a tiring day. We all went to sleep.

"Ugh. I'm hungry. My body hurts so much. That training was hardcore, I don't think I can still keep up," Joey said while laughing. We both were walking to the cafeteria since we have classes later. Both of our bodies hurt because of the training yesterday. Well, now for today, instead of training our bodies, we will train our brains. I think that it is more difficult than training physically. I responded, "Same with me. My body is sore since yesterday. Hope we get to rest a bit," I chuckled slightly. We arrived at our cafeteria and the usual, we get our breakfast then find a table to sit at. "Mic Test. One, two, three. Good morning, soldiers. Today, I will be telling you which room you will be having your academic training. This is a mix of women and men. Room 1: ...," the voice said through the speaker. We all listened to what they're saying to find out where our classrooms were.

The announcer finished and so did us who were eating breakfast. All of us were heading to our own rooms for academics. Sadly, Joey is in another room so we went separate ways. I went inside my room and went to take a seat. I saw different soldiers that aren't familiar to me but some that I have seen before in the camp. It's a bit nerve-wracking especially around a place you just knew of and around unfamiliar people. *Who is that?* It felt like she was walking in slow motion. I feel like everything around me is blurry except for her. *Typical* I shook my head away from my thoughts and focused again. An official arrived and we stood up to greet her. "I'm Sergeant Louisa and I will be in charge of your academic training. Today, I will discuss parts of the gun and how to use a gun. This will be easier so you can learn more and make more tactics to get to the enemies. This is how we start...," the official explained throughout the whole lesson. We listened and took notes about what she was discussing. Mesmerized by the way she handles the gun and the way she explains it.

After the academic training, I went to find Joey to eat lunch together. He was with a few people and talking to them. He saw me so he called my name and signaled me to come near them. So, I went to them and we introduced ourselves. We got along and started discussing certain topics. "Hey, Glen. Do you have any siblings?", Seph asked, one of Joey's friends asked. I responded to his question, "Yes. I actually do have. I have eleven siblings in total. My oldest sister died though so that's why we're just eleven now." They stopped and apologized for asking while saying their condolences. "It's fine. It was a long time ago. Nothing to worry about," I said while smiling slightly. It was fun to get to know them. I think being here is fine. We all talked throughout lunch. I learned more about them. They are actually fun to hang out with and talk to. When the alarm rang, we all parted ways and went back to our rooms for another academic training. We also trained outside the camp for target practice using guns. We learned how to aim, fire then reload. After training, we went back inside the camp and into the showers. We were all probably sweaty since it was hot outside. We went back to our quarters and I saw Joey already on his bed, writing on a piece of paper. I looked at him confusingly and asked, "Sorry for prying but who are you writing for at this hour? For your girlfriend?" He glanced at me and smiled then looking back at the mail he was writing on, "Yes. It's actually for my girlfriend but also for my parents. How about you? Aren't you going to write to your girlfriend?", he asked with a teasing tone. I chuckled at his teasing and answered, "I don't have a girlfriend yet." He looked at me and hummed, "Then to your parents?". "Parent," I corrected him. He looked at me, confused. I then continued, "I only have my mother but I do still have my siblings as well. My father died before my sibling did. He died because of lung cancer and my sister died of brain cancer." His eyes then turned sad, "Condolence". I smiled sadly and went back to my bed. He continued writing his letter and so I started mine as well. I took a piece of paper and pen then started writing my letter.

Dear mother and siblings,

I have arrived safely here in the camp. I am writing this letter so you'll know that I am safe. Training is difficult but I'll get the hang of it and get used to it. I miss all of you and I'm feeling kind of homesick. Hope I get back to you soon. I also met a guy named Joey and now we're kind of friends. We actually met at the bus that is driving here to the camp. He is actually a friendly guy. I hope you write to me soon. I love you all. Take care. I'll write to you soon again.


Your son and sibling, Glen

I finished writing my letter and went to put it in the mailbox near our quarter. I went back to my bed and slept.

End of Chapter 2
