I'm back once again

From what I'm seeing I think it was about

1 ( to just go to the next world ) - 50 plus ( speed run ), I'm not sure don't remember

I'll try to fit everything into 2 chapters, him finishing up with AOT

Then the in-between then I'll start planning out volume 3 properly


Was busy recently, will be busy tomorrow as well so expect me Sunday


( just me talking at this point, no need to read )

We've all most likely received money from someone at one point and spent it on something.

We most likely never appreciated it, was just grateful for a bit then that's that

Probably thought " I'll just ask mom or dad for more when I run out )

But as you get older and have to make your own money, shit you didn't think about before now becomes so apparent

Like if I could go back in time, remembering all the hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars I've burnt on stupid shit, I'd....beat the shit out of myself

Like, I was that guy at school, who'd skip class to drink or gamble, which lead to me eventually being kicked out

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret my decisions at that point, I just wished that the mindset I have now, I had then

Like I remember spending money, about $50-150 dollars oon a girl for Valentine's day, I didn't even like her anything, I did it just because " hey look at me, I can buy this big ass teddy bear, but your man can't '

I mean at that point it worked, like I got the attention I was clearly after but then what?

I now look like a simp, cause I bought this big ass bear and now she's laying in some other dudes hand

At one point, I was partly drunk and was gonna break into her house to take it back

Hey we live and we learn I guess....* chuckles awkwardly *



This goes for males

What would you do if you dated someone younger than you, smash, then find out it's your daughter