Chapter 1.

'They're so heavy. Why did I even offer to go shopping for groceries in the first place?'

The (h/c)ette dejectedly thought while adjusting the various straps of plastic bags that were dangling on her dainty arms.

'Oh yeah, if I didn't find an excuse to get out of the house - the father-son duo would've forced me to taste another of their latest failed experiments. Disgusting. Yikes!'

Her body shivered at the thought of the last dish that Souma had made her eat - dried sardines cooked with raspberry sauce - utterly disgusting.

"I'm back," she tiredly announced as she opened the door of the place that she has been calling her home for the last eight years - Yukihira Restaurant.

Instead of being greeted by the usual 'welcome back' from Souma, she was greeted by everyone one of the customers gathered around the cooking area.

'They must be having a cook-off again.'

(Y/n) was quick to come up with the possible reason behind this scene.

She gave out a tired sigh again as she skillfully maneuvered through the sea of people to reach the front. She found that she has been doing that a lot today, y'know - sighing for no reason.

"Why am I not surprised?" She deadpanned as an ominous aura radiated from her.

"You are guys are having a cook-off - again - and that too in the middle of rush hour?"

Her eyes softened a little when she saw a frustrated Souma kneeling on the ground and his father standing tall over him with a triumphant look on his face.

He must have lost again.

"(Y/n)...I lost again," Souma complained while latching on to the (h/c)ette's waist, hiding his face in her stomach as continued to cry anime tears.

"Stop whining baka. Practice hard, kay. I know that one day, you will definitely defeat

Joichirou-san," she replied while lightly ruffling his crazy red hair, and everyone around them went 'awe' at the cute exchange between the two teenagers.

"(N/n), you're so nice. Marry me please." The redhead blurted out without thinking which ultimately caused the (h/c)ette to blush furiously.

"Stop blurting out nonsense Baka," she bashfully scolded the Vermilion-haired boy, while Souma's father watched the whole scene unfold in front of him with an amused smile on his face. The two teenagers reminded him so much of how his and Tamako's relationship was when they were young.

(P.s. Joichirou already ships Y/n and Souma)

After somewhat being able to suppress the reddish hue that was, (Y/n) straightened up and turned to face the crowd. "C'mon guys, the show's over. Please return to your seats so that you can continue enjoying our delicious food."

The announcement seemed to have worked like magic because all the customers instantly vanish from the cooking area. What can I, that's the magic of Yukihira Joichirou's cooking.

The (h/c)ette then walked up to the counter and set down all those troublesome shopping bags.

"Joichirou-san, I got all the things that you asked for."

"Good job kiddo. Now let's get to work," Joichirou said while ruffling her (h/c) colored hair.


"Walk home safely Konoha-san," the

(h/c)ette bid farewell to one of Yukihira's regulars as they left the dining.

"Tonight seemed to be a lot busier than usual. Don't you think?" Souma asked while making his way towards his (h/c) haired companion, who was busy calculating the accounts for today.

"I'm just happy that we were able to keep our customers happy as well as maintain our regular profits," the (h/c)ette replied while her attention was still occupied by her work.

"You got me there," Souma hummed in response, "nothing makes a chef happier than a satisfied customer."

A small smile graced the young Yukihira's lips ad he stared at the (h/c)ette in front of her.

'I'm almost done with middle school, then I can get more training. I want to surpass my dad as soon as possible, and someday take over this restaurant with (Y/n)-chan by my side.'

Their cute and intimate moment came to an end when the door of the diner slid open and in walked a professionally dressed woman and three men clad in black suits following her from behind.

"Welcome to Yukihira's." (Y/n) calmly greeted the visitors with a tight-lipped smile. It is quite evident that the (h/c)ette is not so welcoming towards the urban life planner.

"Excuse me," the woman said while walking further inside the restaurant.

"I'm so sorry for bothering you during business hours."

Ironically, she doesn't even seem a little bit apologetic.

"I'm Minegasaki, the urban life planner," the older female introduced herself to the teenagers, who only stared at her with disdain in their eyes.

"What's your order?" Souma bluntly asked.


(Y/n) cleared her throat lightly, grabbing the woman's attention.

"Today's special is red bream sashimi."

"No thanks. Today, I wanted to explain what we talked about the other day," the urban life planner or better know as 'land shark' in (Y/n) and Souma's words, clearly didn't get the hint that she and her plans are not welcomed at Yukihira's.

She placed a booklet on the table. "It's a garden residence concept for a comfortable yet luxurious city lifestyle condos -"

The older woman was abruptly got cut off when (Y/n) slammed a portable grill right on top of the booklet.

"Basically you're a loan shark," Souma bluntly stated, "trying to kick us out, huh? We've already heard of it."

"You're a fool if you think that we will shut down this place just because you asked us to," the

(h/c)ette coldly stated which almost sent chills through both the father-son duo.

"Now, we politely ask you to leave."

The older female sighed while placing her business card on the table.

"Then, I'll leave my business card. Contact me anytime."

"Hell will freeze over before we contact you." The (h/c)ette harshly stated.

Minegasaki clearly chose to ignore the angry young girl.

"But that being said, it's getting harder and harder to manage a small business," she snidely remarked while glancing at the older Yukihira from the corner of her eyes, and Joichirou being Joichirou --- decided to completely ignore her and leave (Y/n) and Souma to clean up the mess.

"Many people tell me that day-to-day supplies are getting harder to acquire," she continued.

"We can assure you that we don't have that problem." (Y/n) was quick strike down the planner's remarks.

"Is that so?"

'Oh, you're so done if you're trying to mock us. '

The (h/c)ette's face contorted to portray her feelings of absolute fury.

"Yukihira always provides what the customer wants," Souma thankfully took over from there, otherwise (Y/n) would've gone real handsy.

"That's wonderful!" The older woman happily remarked.

"But if you can't provide what the customer wants --- how will you take responsibility for that?"

"If that happens....." (Y/n) started, a small smirk appearing on her lips while she handed the business card to the redhead.

" --- we'll close the shop and go out of business." The two teenagers completed at the same time, and then Souma proceeded to burn her business card on his portable grill.

'Savage Souma. Totally done like a boss!' The (h/c)ette mentally praised the redhead because she would never admit that in front of the boy.

Ego issues much.

"Are you sure?" The urban life planner asked one last time.

"Yes." Both (Y/n) and Souma confidently replied.

After that, the urban life planner finally left the restaurant, leaving behind a blank (Y/n) and an enraged-looking Souma.

"Dad where's the salt. We need to purify the place." Souma yelled out in exasperation as he tried getting the salt sprinkler from the cabinet.

"Souma, I don't think that it works on humans." (Y/n) tried to reason.

Souma's dad was quick to butt in --- saying that he is not wasting the salt on such petty things.

Later that night, the young (h/c)ette was going through some recipe books that her father had left behind for her.

'It's amazing. Papa didn't have a particular specialty. He mixed everything and yet his customers loved his food.' Her (e/c) colored eyes rapidly skimmed over the various customized recipes in awe.

'I have to try them.'

(Y/n) was brought back to reality when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in," the girl mumbled lightly as she waited for the person to enter. The door opened slightly and in walked in Yukihira Joichirou, with his usual playful grin plastered on his face.

"Joichirou-san, what are you doing here? Do you need help with something?" She asked while gathering up the books that were sprawled all over the place, while the said male casually sat down on the floor.

"Can't believe that it's already been 8 years. It feels like only yesterday when Azuza first brought you here," the older male sighed in nostalgia.

A small smile of gratitude appeared on the

(h/c)ette's face at the actions of the Yukihira family. "I can't thank you enough for taking me in after father's death. You, Tamako-san, Grandpa Yukihira, and Souma - I will always remain indebted to you guys."

"It's nothing like that kiddo. We are happy to have you here," he replied while staring up at the ceiling as if remembering something.

"Your father was a great friend of mine and I'm pretty sure that he would've been quite proud of seeing how far you've come."

"Coming from you --- it really means a lot Joichirou-san," the (h/c)ette spoke.

"C'mon kiddo, it's about time you start calling me dad, but then again --- you will be calling me that once Souma and you get married," he said with a teasing smile.

"Joichirou-san, please stop blurting out nonsense," she gasped while hiding her face in embarrassment.

'Like father like son.'

"So you're gonna take the entrance exam then?" He asked while the said girl nodded her head in reply.

"I want to prove myself worthy before facing her."

"Do you think that.....that they will accept me?" She hesitantly asked --- her eyes looking away from the older Yukihira.

"Why wouldn't they?"


The Nakamura was startled when the older Yukihira answered her question with another one of his own.

(Y/n) sighed wishfully --- mentally scolding herself for overthinking again and underestimating her own skills.

"Nothing. I was just overthinking again.

"Man...we should totally do something fun like --- karaoke or something?" (Y/n) suggested as she and Souma walked home from school after doing some little grocery shopping.

'Grocery shopping with (Y/n)-chan --- it feels so domestic --- like a perfect marital life!' Souma giddily thought.

Sum's attention was brought back to reality when he felt his phone go off in his pocket.

"Hey, dad!" The redhead answered while putting the call on speaker.

"Are you home?" The older Yukihira asked from the other side.

"Me and (Y/n)-chan, we were buying some ingredients for breakfast. What is it?" He asked while glancing at the (h/c)ette who was lost in her own thoughts.

"I've got stuff to do today," Joichirou answered.

"That's unusual for you."

"I'll return tomorrow, so don't open the shop."

"Okay," Souma answered.

"Hey, Souma. What are your plans after high school?"

This question of Joichirou had managed to grab the attention of the aloof (h/c)ette, who waited for Souma to answer.

"Of course I'm going to train at the restaurant," Souma promptly replied.

'As expected.' (Y/n) smiled at the red-haired boy.

"I see. And one more thing Souma," his father stated, and both (Y/n) and Souma leaned in to listen carefully to what Joichirou has to say.

"No funny business with (Y/n)-chan."

His dad chucked before cutting off the call, leaving behind a flustered Souma and (Y/n).

'Why am I feeling so embarrassed?' Both of them thought the same thing as they averted their gaze from each other.

Silence surrounded the two for the rest of their journey. Souma had never thought that there would come a time when he would feel awkward around (Y/n) --- his (Y/n). Needless to say that he didn't like it - not even a little bit.

So he did what any sane individual would do

--- try to break the ice between them.

"What high school are you planning on attending?" he asked, trying to ease the air around them, as (Y/n) fumbled with the door --- trying to open it.

The (h/c)ette perked up at his question.

"I'm actually planning to --- WHAT THE FUCK!"

A gasp of horror left (Y/n)'s lips when she saw the terrible sight in front of her --- all their fresh ingredients --- has been trashed. It looked like someone took extra measure to destroy all the meat in their pantry, while Souma sported the same look --- the look of utter disgust.

'My niku?' The (h/c)ette mentally wept.

"A break-in?" Souma wondered out aloud.

"No, I don't think so. Robbers don't usually go for food articles," the (h/c)ette grumbled in irritation as she stepped over the leftovers that were lying on the floor.

(Y/n) watched as Souma ran outside, a confused look crossing her features. After a few minutes, when (Y/n) had finally joined the redhead outside --- she got the faint idea of what might've actually happened here.

No robbers break in just to vandalize food ingredients --- that's what saboteurs do.

"Souma, I think I know who did this," she mumbled while staring at the white paint that now covered the Yukihira signboard --- her fists clenching tightly.

And just as to confirm her suspicions, the real culprit appeared right behind her.

"Oh my! The scenery looks better than yesterday. Is it because the hideous sign is not visible anymore?" The urban life planner haughtily remarked.

"Ah...somehow, I feel like eating meat --- the marbled steaks I always eat in Roppongi are the best --- I like how the juices overflow in my mouth," the older female continued, completely ignoring the disgusted looks that the two teenagers were sending her way.

"Hey, you two make me something --- a delicious juicy meat dish." She ordered the two teenagers as she made herself at home in one of the chairs.

The female continued to mock them. She was pretty sure that the two will not be able to serve her --- after all, she had made sure that all of their meat was destroyed.

You gotta be cunning and ruthless if you wanna survive in this cruel world.

"A juicy meat dish, huh?" Souma asked --- his voice was incredibly calm and composed.

"Is that your order?"

After getting the nod of approval from the Urban life planner, the redhead male proceeded to dramatically unwrap the ribbon that was tied around his hand --- striking a typical shonen protagonist pose, as (Y/n) looked at him weirdly thinking that why is being so dramatic.

"But never set a foot on this store if we're able to satisfy your taste buds," the younger Yukihira continued --- the wind now directly blowing on his face.

(Y/n) on the other hand, had only one question running through her mind.

'Why is the wind only hitting Souma and not anyone else? Is it the main character thing?'

"(Y/n), let's go. We are going to make 'that' dish."

"That dish? Oh --- that dish."

A mischievous smirk appeared on the

(h/c)ette's lips as she got ready to cook with her boyfie --- sorry friend.

{Time skip brought to you by Roast Pork --- just kidding, because author-chan is too lazy to write the recipe and stuff}

"It's ready." The (h/c)ette announced as both her and Souma emerged out of the kitchen --- with Minegasaki's juicy meat dish.

"Roast pork?" The urban life planner exclaimed loudly.

"These are potatoes." (Y/n) said while pointing towards the dish.

"We wrapped thick bacon around it – let me present you – Roast pork- just kidding," Souma proudly announced, while the unwelcomed guests looked at the two teenagers as if they had grown two heads.

"You think I'm a fool, huh?" Minegasaki said while forcefully slamming down her hand on the table. "There's no room for negotiation. Turn this business over to me. Listen, truly successful chefs are at the high-end restaurants and hotels that I've set up. This is a failure! To me, this shop doesn't deserve to exist – hmph -"

The woman's rambling came to an abrupt end when (Y/n) had taken the initiative to grasp a spoonful of the dish and not so gently shoved it inside the urban life planner's mouth. You see, she was getting tired of Minegasaki's ramblings and wanted to shut her up.

Modern problems require modern solutions.

"Why don't you say that after you've tasted our dish instead of running your good for nothing mouth?" (Y/n) asked while giving her a sickeningly sweet smile.

Minegasaki chewed the morsel and flavors instantly burst on her tongue – the pleasure was quite evident on her face.


A triumphant smile tool over the teenager's face when they realized that Minegasaki was obviously enjoying their food.

"It seems like you're enjoying it," Souma stated while moving dangerously close to the urban life planner. "This is the shop that you just made fun of."

"Souma, can you step back a little?" (Y/n)'s timid voice reached the redhead, who glanced at the former with confusion – clearly not realizing that our (Y/n) was getting all jelly-jelly.

Jealousy is a weird thing indeed.

"But why?" Souma asked in confusion – just how she had expected him to react. He is such an innocent boi.

"No reason. Just step back a little."


And thankfully he did step back, much to the relief of the (h/c)ette.

"Do you want to explain the recipe?" Souma asked the (e/c) eyed girl who was trying to suppress her hunger pangs. The smell of the delicious pseudo roast pork was doing strange things to her.

"No. You do it. I'm too hangry to go over the details."


And Souma did just that - thankfully.

In short, Minegasaki and her minions were obviously satisfied by Souma and (Y/n)'s dish and promised to never return.

"So..." (Y/n) trailed off, giving Souma mental signals about what her heart desires.

"Hai hai. I get what you're trying to say," Souma chuckled while ruffling the shorter female's hair, before returning to the kitchen.

(Y/n) patiently waited for the redhead to return, and he did after a few minutes – with a plate of steaming Roast pork- just kidding in his hands.

"I figured out that you were hungry, so I went ahead prepared one for you," he said while placing the steaming plate in front of her – whose eyes were now shining brightly.

"Okay then!" she cheerfully exclaimed.


"Hey - do it a little harder!"


"No, move a little lower," she guided Souma's hands.


"No - no. You're touching the wrong place."

"Here?" Souma asked again and finally got a hmm of approval from the (h/c)ette as he continued cleaning the white paint off the Yukihira signboard.

'I won't let anyone shut this place down --- no matter what. Yukihira is my fort where I'll train my cooking skills along with (Y/n)-chan.'

"You're doing good up there Souma!" The

(h/c)ette praised the redhead as she continued munching on her pocky --- she's being so productive there.

"Looks like something happened here?" The new voice spoke up - grabbing the attention of the two teenagers who were busy cleaning --- well, at least one of them was cleaning.

"Nothing, it was just a rude customer," the redhead casually shrugged off, returning to his cleaning.

"And we maturely dealt with her. She won't be bothering us again," (Y/n) beamed while replying.

"That's good to hear," the older Yukihira hummed in response.

"Souma, (Y/n) --- I will be closing the shop for a few years."

At this --- the redhead boy literally fell off from ladder and the (h/c)ette tried to catch him but it also led her to go down with him.

'Nani tf?'