Ally: before that in the special sec I'll just talk to the teachers
John: Copy
Ally: Good aftie Mr and Ms (y/n)
() Ow hi Good aftie may i -
Ally: I forgot to tell about my self my bad .. by the way my name is Ally isa po akong Detective ..
() Um .. can I ask why you are here?
Ally: It's only been a few months since the president died ..
() Aya Kim ..
Ally: Her name is there
() Yes, he is a famous student at our school, he is smart .. he is active in everything, that's why everyone regrets his loss
Ally: We are planning to reopen his case, can we ask what you can say
() September 16 .. Aya didn't come in and was able to wonder because it wasn't her job .. we received a complaint that day in the village as to why the water was left open and Aya couldn't pay her rent
Some people started to wonder why he couldn't be seen until his parent came to check on him and ... saw that he was lifeless lying in his bed