Guilty Past

26 years later

" I .. lied to you Gelo."

" I know what you did Aly "

*That time Aly Shattered my Soul

" I did everything that i can do just to protect you from my dad and my family trust me.. "

" I don't know how should i tell you because i know you will hate me because I am a daughter of the man who made your father criminal "

" How can i hate you Aly ?! How ! you make me feel like I'm stupid and unworthy because I'm poor and I am the son of the criminal "

*Gelo told to Aly

" Do you know why .. i tell you this ? because i .. don't want you to leave me and - "

" Aly you're father killed my father .. you're father is the reason why .. i don't have dad why i lost my family in sight how can i forget my painful past just to love you "

" I'm sorry for what my father did to you're family.. I'm begging please don't leave me " *Crying

" I have enough ..I'm tired Aly"

" I love you Gelo please "

" Please let me go "

*Gelo told Aly