
When we arrived at my house I just signaled him to get off my bike, but he ignored me.

-Hey, do you mind," I said, grabbing the handlebars of my bike, "Hey, I'm late enough, I have to go!

-Ah! S-sorry I didn't realize it, umm... I'll see you tomorrow and we'll leave together? -he looks at me almost as if he was begging- -How can I refuse?

-How can I refuse? Okay tomorrow, but I don't promise to get up early....

I say it jokingly to which he responds with a little giggle something contagious. He hugs me and leaves while I just throw my bike and go inside, when I open the door I see my nona something angry I just decide to go inside and hug her when I go straight to the stairs she says to me:

-You are late....

I look at my watch and notice that I am 30 minutes late, I surprise myself I didn't expect it to take so long, I tell her:

-Sorry I didn't think it would be so late, I think Hiroyuki pedaled too slow...-.

She looks at me and says no problem, but next time don't be so late as she worries, then she gets up and walks towards me with a smile and kisses my forehead while I hugged her. I go upstairs and throw myself on the bed to go to sleep.....