
Ramses looked at his mother. He knew she was not herself. He had not been opportune to have her raise him, but he knew her mood by the countenance she wore. Ever since his arrival she had been of a cheerful countenance. He didn't feel a bit like she was offended by his suprise visit although he could see that it affected her.

He had to admit that he had missed out on being her son and being raised by her. He enjoyed her company alot. He watched her rapport with the girls and he marvelled. He knew he and his sisters were privileged to have such a ones their mother.

Ada-Oshi whom he had met online and had been dating for over a year will see her as a mother as well. Probably the mother she never had. He smiled as he thought of her. He heaved heavily as it was necessary that he finds his father in order to ask her hand. How will he go about that? He wondered. He looked as his mother again as she inserted the key in the keyhole and turned the door knob.

She refused to knock because she did not want to wake the girls who were fast asleep. They had been busy all day. They went food shopping for her today. It was the first time ever, going shopping on their own. The fare to the market was fifty naira. Ramses trekked there each time he had to go. "Walking is good exercise" he says to his mother and kid sisters.

"Well, we do enough exercise here at home. The house chores are enough for us" his mother will reply.She and the girls will exchange glances, then the girls will laugh alongside their mum. He would shrug his shoulders indifferently.

As his mother opened up the house, he could see a figure. Minka was standing at the other side of the door.

"Brother welcome" she said.

"Thank you" Ramses replied with a smile. He was grateful to have such beautiful sisters and mother.

"What about Nkom?"

"She is still asleep"

"Is she okay?" Ramses began to feel worried.

"She is fine. She is really exhausted though" Minka added.

Ramses nodded his head as he smiled quietly.

"Welcome mum" Minka called out to aunt Sheila.

"Thank you dear" she responded quickly and heaved heavily.

Minka noticed her mother was wearing a long face.

"Mummy, you mean things are still the way they were?" Minka inquired from her mother.

"As much as I understand your feelings as your daughter, I want you to know that I am also interested in meeting with the father of our brother.Uncle Travis should be able to understand and even assist us. We need to do this together."

Aunt Sheila remained quiet. She knew what she would do. This will completely redeem her.


Ogar watched aunt Sheila walk away. For the first time, his uncle did not go after her. This meant two things he said wiping his tears. Either break up or anger.

"Women! Women!" Uncle Travis began as he shook his head disapprovingly. " It takes a patient man to keep a woman. Their emotions at times obstruct them from reasoning logically"

Ogar frowned in confusion upon hearing such utterance from his uncle.

His uncle continued "yes Ogar, keep it in your heart. When you come of age do not do forget that you have to be patient when it comes to women"

Ogar nodded in obedience. "Uncle thank you. Can I ask you something please?" By now the tears had dried from Ogar's eyes.

"Go ahead" Ogar could feel his heart dance. This is his chance.

"Your friend said something about you getting court marshalled, what is that all about? I mean what did you do?" Ogar inquired of his uncle.

Uncle Travis shook visibly. He frowned in suprise. Ogar kept gazing at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I want to know about the actions that led to the utterance."

Uncle Travis said nothing. He was at his own interview.


"Of course. Could that be why you went to the isolation center?"

Uncle Travis cleared his throat

"Some things have occurred that I have been unable to speak to you about. I promise you that soon that I will open up to you on that. I know I owe you some explanation but believe me,. Now is not the time"

"Really?" Uncle Travis heaved heavily. He knew that look. He wasn't ready for a friction to occur between his nephew and himself.

Already, he was going through a rough patch with Sheila.

"Son, I mean the best for you. I cannot speak about that at the moment. Let me say this, things do not always work out as planned."

"What are you insinuating? " Ogar challenged.

"There are other important issues on ground"

"More relevant than the fact that you left me to a camp that once swarmed with patients of the deadly boom virus without caring about the repercussions?"

"What repercussions?" Uncle Travis chuckled under his breath. "You were in safe hands, were you not?"

"I was. That's undisputable"

"So what is the matter, then?" He questioned his nephew impatiently.

"My wristwatch checked your temperature that day. It is the same as today's" Ogar lifted his gaze to hear what his now dumbfounded uncle had to say.

"You are sure your watch didn't read wrongly?"

" Remember you told me that the watch reads accurately till the batter dies?"

"Enough jare!(please! in Nigerian pidgin) uncle Travis responded with an increase in his pitch. "Haba,(please) let this old man breathe at least. Give him a break!"

"You owe me an explanation but you believe I am in no position to demand it?" Ogar challenged. He couldn't believe his uncle could do that. He knew he was only trying to avoid challenges but Ogar wondered what they were and why he kept trying to avoid them.

There was silence in the room. The kind of silence that maimed all sounds. He shook his head in pity. He wasn't sure whom he was more sorry for. Himself or uncle Travis, they both were in precarious situations. Hope had always been a route for him. The hope that the next day will shine even brighter. The hope that his questions will be answered and mysteries solved. The hope that all which once posed as a mystery will become a blessing.

His thought about Minka and wonders what she might be doing. Did her mother know about her uncle's activities. Did she tell Minka? Will the strain in the relationship between the two families ever change? What would become of himself and Minka? Will they be sister and brother? If his uncle and her mother do not get married, will they be lovers?

From the Author.....

Hello there, hope you are enjoying the story. I appreciate reviews and In also appreciate your views among other things. Thank you.