A ray of sunshine

Ogar walked sluggishly with slumped shoulders as he exited his residence. Uncle Travis had asked that he takes goat meat pepper soup to Ramses who had been in the hospital. He loved the fact that he would sit to a meal of goat meat pepper soup and and a place of white rice, both sizzling hot.

His mouth watered at the thought. He didn't smile. What was the use? He would not be seeing Minka today. As uncle Travis had told him that she had gone to spend the weekend at the home of a relative in a nearby town. She will only be back by Sunday.

That is 72 hours! Such a longtime to .Ogar was not sure he would survive. He had to see Minka. He just had to. The relationship was still tender. It needed nuturing. She didn't get to tell him because of the rain that fell. Her mother had promised to get her a phone when she turns 16. That's a month's time. It seems faraway. It is helping as people like Pascal will not be able to reach Minka during the holidays.

It was repulsive seeing him, his brother and their gang gloating over her. One thing they had for her was respect. She earned it. She was bold. They dared not treat her like other girls whom they mocked at. Of course her mother always had her back. She ensured that she left no stone unturned when it came to protecting her children.

He heaved as he passed by her house. Nkom was adjusting the curtains. She peered out the window to see Ogar. She waved at him and smiled. He waved back. She shut the curtain only to open it up and then a second pair of eyes with semblance to her facial features appeared by the window.

"Minka?" He called out. His heart raced faster as he saw her. Suddenly a feeling of warmth washed all over him. He wanted to jump out of his skin. He didn't want to know why she didn't go on the trip all he cared about was that moment where he got to see her.

He saw the way Nkom laughed and slapped her sister playfully and he concluded that she knew about them. That was no big deal. He had always liked her sister and he had a feeling she knew about it. He reduced his pace as he heard the front door open. There stood Minka, in a pink tank dress. She had a pair of purple pumps on. She had braided her hair to the back. The long plaits reached her back. She looked simply


"I had no Idea you were here"

"I am. I told mum that I was feeling sick this morning so I couldn't go. It's aunt Jessica. She was delivered of a baby boy last night. Mum has gone to see her. She will be back this evening" Ogar smiled as she spoke. He enjoyed watching her. Even if she was standing or chewing her tongue as she did when she was bored. It thrilled him. She always had a lovely fragrance on. So did her mum and sister. It's no surprise that uncle Travis loved her mother.

"Oh" he said as he smiled.

He could tell she was feeling coy. He saw the eagerness on her eyes, he knew she wanted to hug him but she pulled back. Oh how he had missed her. He would not rush things but he wasn't sure he could keep his hands to himself. This lover boy needed a mighty bear hug from the one he loved. The rain of the previous day had taken more than a moment of meeting.It took a toll on him.

He remembered how he stood there, helpless pika a wounded lion.

All that happened yesterday but this moment was still here, slowly passing. He would make the best of it.

"So what's up?" She asked.

"Aaahhh, my uncle sent me on an errand."

"Where? Is that a flask you are carrying because that is what it looks like?"

"It is a flask"

"It is?" Minka frowned and shrugged, spreading her arms out as though questioning.

"I was asked to give this to your brother"

"Brother Ramses?"

Ogar nodded

"You are going to see brother Ramses?" She inquired as if in doubt.

"I am of course"

"How come you don't have a facemask on?" She asked staring at him.

"Oops, I knew I had forgotten something" Ogar said as he turned to go.

"Wait! I think there is a spare facemask here" she ran into the house and in a moment she was out.

She had two facemasks in her hand. Nkom came followed her closely behind. She had worn a facemask already. She had an umbrella in her hand as well. It was typical of Nkom. She didn't like the sun heating her up or the rain drenching her.

"Nkom catch!" Minka called out to her sister. "Please lock the door"

"You guys are going somewhere?"Ogar asked.

"Yes. We are coming with you" Minka replied calmly. She glanced briefly at Ogar and smiled.

She helped him put his facemask on.

He smiled back as he got hold of her palm. He slipped his fingers in between hers. Minka could feel the electricity from Ogar's body to hers.

The two began to walk down the walkway together while Nkom followed closely behind.

Later that day....

Minka frowned upon entering into the house. What was she hearing? It sounded like the voice of someone weeping. Precisely a woman. She knew the direction from which the sound had been coming so she entered her mother's bedroom.

She saw her mother on the floor weeping.

"You will all pay for what you made me go through! You will pay, you will pay..." She wept.

"Mummy, what is the matter?" Minka asked as she sat on the floor besides her mother.

"Take a look at this" her mother handed a journal she had been holding, over to her.

"This appears to be dad's diary" Minka affirmed. Her mother nodded in silence.

"I am infertile. I can't afford to let my wife know about this. After scorning and ridiculing her what will she then say about me? Mam knows it is not her fault. We have to keep playing along if not, it will bring shame to us" Minka read.

"Goodness! What manner of evil is that?" Nkom exclaimed. She had been standing by the doorway.

"Ah! Mummy! You went through alot! If this is what marriage is about then I am not getting married!" Nkom decided as she stormed out of the room in anger. Minka drew close to her mother and began to console her. Nkom reappeared with handkerchiefs for her mother's running nose.